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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/405

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-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 1618. 1904. 317 or her property, and if permitted to remain at large or to go unrestrained in the District of Columbia the rights of persons and of prop- , erty will be jeopardized or the preservation of public peace imperiled an the commission of crime rendered probable: Provéekd, howecver, §f,’{§&°,,, ,,,,,,,5, That it shall be the duty of the major and superintendent of the said ` Metropolitan police to forthwith notify the husband or wife or some near relative or friend of the person so apprehended and detained whose address may be known to the said major and superintendent or whose addrew can by reasonable inquiry be ascertained by him. Sec. 2. That the major and su rintendent of said Metropolitan w§(f§,°“;,,,‘§§;;, Qlgi police is hereby authorized to or<gi· the ap rehension and detention, r¤¤¢- y without warrant, of any indigent person alleged to be insane or of unsound mind or any alleged insane person of homicidal or otherwise dangerous tendencies found elsewhere in the District of Columbia than in the places mentioned in section one hereof whenever two ¤£i¤i¤;vi*¤ ¤¤ ¤> i¤· or more responsible residents of the District of Columbia shall make W °°°°my' and file affidavits with said major and superintendent of the Metropolitan police setting forth that they believe the person therein named to be insane or of unsound mind, the length of time they have known such person, that they believe such person to be incapable of managing his or her own affairs, and that such person is not fit to be at large or to go unrestrained, and if such person is permitted to remain at liberty in the District of Columbia the rights of persons and of propertly will be jeopardized or the preservationpf public peace imperiled an the commission of crime rendered probable, and t at such person is a iit subject for treatment on account of his or her mental condition: Provided, however, That before the major and superintendent of the of Ph, said Metropolitan police shall order the apprehension and detention of nicisnsany person upon the affidavits of the aforesaid residents or in case of arrest as {provided in section one he shall, in addition thereto, require the certi cate of at least two ph sicians who shall certify that they have examined the person allegedy to be insane or of unsound min , and that such person should not be allowed to remain at liberty and go unrestrained, and that such person is a fit subject for treatment on account of his or her mental condition. Src. 3. That the Commissioners of the District of Columbia are ,iQj,°"§E°’3§’§,,2§,°§K{ hereby authorized to place in the Government Hospital for the Insane H°*P“**l *°’ I¤S”“°· ·in said District, and the superintendent of said hospital is hereby authorized to receive, upon the written request of the said Commissioners, for a period of time not exceeding thirty days, indigent persons alleged to be insane or of unsound mind, residents of or found within the District of Columbia, and alleged insane persons of homicidal or otherwise dangerous tendencies, residents of or found within the said District, so apprehended and detained as provided in sections **"‘“· ’· **16* one and two of this Act, pending the formal commitment of such persons to said hospital as provided by law, or their transportation to their homes when their places of residence are ascertained by the proper officials charged by law with that duty. Sec. 4. That the Commissioners of the District of Columbia may ,,,',{,,°{°’}$,"§,§"¥,‘i0Z authorize the temporary commitment of any of the above—mentioned PWM- insane rsons or persons of unsound mind so apprehended and detained)`? as provided in sections one and two of this Act (for a period of time not exceeding thirty days) in any other hos ital in said District which, in the judgment of the health officer of said District, is properly constructed and equipped for the reception and care of such persons, and the official in cha; gc of which, for the time being, is willingto receive such persons pending the temporary commitment or the formal commitment of such persons, as provided by law, to the Government _ _ _ Hospital for the Insane or to any other hospital or insane asylum: or mRY$$€lQ‘{2__‘§,§§j§§ any such alleged insane person or person of unsound mind apprehended f°"m“l °°mm“m°¤*· under sections one and two of this Act may be detained in any police