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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/404

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316 FIF1`Y—EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Cas. 1617,1618. 1904. nation of each applicant whenever five or a less number shall be examined on any one day, and one dollar for the examination of each £*'x*;"“{’,jm0m additional applicant on such day: Provided, That if twenty or more map licants appear on one day, no fewer than twenty shall, 1f practicalile, be examined on said day, and that if fewer examinations be then made, twenty or more having appeared, then there shall be paid for the tirst examinations made on the next examination day the fee of one dollar on] until twenty examinations shall have been made: Provided ,c§{’e,Qf,f,,;,‘},“°“ “°"“_fur¢}zer, That no fee s all be paid to any member of an examming I board unless personally resent and assisting in the examination of R“"“g· applicant: And provide} further, That the report of such examining S“§.i{’J.'I.’Li'3“§L€£¤°§5°t°Zi]Z.?§”Ei§hfe{fEE€g0¥Zf$t"2§E$f¤lE§g€E.$§Z£SS Ummm to be shlall specifically asd accurately set lthe lp;1ysi<;allpond1(tion omhe ‘ “ _ applicant each an every existingi ity ing u y an care y mmF°* "· describedi The reports of the special examiners of the Bureau of mm ‘ Pensions shall be open to inspection and copy by the applicant or his attorney, under such rules and regulations as the Secretary of the mP¤¤¤i¤¤ ***°¤*°Y°· Interior may prescribe: And provided {further, That no pension ' attorney, claim agent, or other person sha 1 be entitled to receive any ` compensation for SBPVICGS rendered in securing the introduction of a _ bill or the passage thereof through Congress granting pension or ,¤8P°'Qf,”,§’; $; increase of pension; and any person who s all, directly or indirectly, c¤rl¤z¤i$wi•11¢¤:i¤1¤- contract for, demand, receive, or retain any compensation for such °°°‘ services shall be deemed guilty of an offense, and upon conviction . thereof shall, for each and every such offense, be fine not exceeding tive hundred dollars, or imprisoned not exceeding two years, or both, in the discretion of the court. A8°¤**’””"*°* thFor salzgieis of eigihteen agents forhthe pacynliept of pensions, at four ousand ol ars eac , seventy-two thousand dollars. mm- For clerk hire, four hundred and thirty thousand dollars: Provided, A1>1><>r¤¤¤m¤¤¢- That the amount of clerk hire for each agency shall be apportioned as neagly as practicpblle in properties to hslie number of pensioners paid ag eac agency an the sa aries pai s l be subject to the approva o the Secretary of the Interior. Rem. ger rents, ten thoiésandl six hundred dollars. I d f S¤¤¤¤¤rr.f¤¤1.¤v=· or stationery an other necessary expenses including uel and liglhts, thirty-five thousand dollars. i dggmsépré <>f wu- or examination and inspection of pension agencies, as {provided by Vol???, p. an the final provision of the Act of August eighth, eighteen undred and mi} S·· '°°· `"“· ¥’· eighty-two, amending section fortly-seven hundred and sixty-six, Revised Statutes, two thousand five undred dollars. Approved, April 27, 1904. April 27.1'1>4. GHAP. 1818.-An Act To authorize the apprehension and detention of insane Q jf6”·l persons in the District of Columbia, and provi ing for their temporary commitment [public, yn_ in in the Government Hospital for the Insane, and for other pur oses. l P _ _ Be it enacted by the Senate and House of R%lesentatives of the United §;;j,*’;‘jj°{,gy;;*,*g”*:, States of America in Congress assembled, at any member of the iaige. dd t I Metrocpolitan pohce of the District of Columbia or any other officer 0, ”""” °°"'°” in said District authorized to make arrests is hereby authorized and empowered to aprérehend gud_ dgtpin, dwithout warrant, any insane person or person o unsoun mm oun on any street avenue all or other public highway, or found in any public building or otligrr public place within the District of Columbia; and it_shall be the duty of the policeman or officer so alpprehendxng or detaming any such person to immediately file his aiii avit with the ma`or and superintendent of said Metropolitan police that he believes said] person to be insane or of unsound mind, incapable of taking care of himself or herself or his