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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/407

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FIFTY—EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. CHS. 1619, 1620. 1904. 319 CHAP. 1619.-An Act For the cession of one hundred and twenty acres of land APYU 273 190* to the Beecher Island Battle Memorial Association. [H· R' 1°1°1·] Public, No. 178. lVhereas the Beecher Island Battle Memorial Association is desirous [ ] of making a park and erecting a monument thereon of the land upon Pmmbm which was fought a memorable battle between the scouts and frontiermen on the one side and hostile Indians on the other: Now, therefore, Be it enacted by the Senate and House of.Rey>r·esentat¢Ives of the United States of America rn. Congress assembled, That the northeast quarter gllblicillands, of the northeast quarter and the northwest quarter of the northeast rmdgiaeiiirorildlisiig quarterand the southwest quarter of the northeast quarter of section °*“L°,{‘,}‘(§;,(f,°,,[{’€’(‘}d,‘f, ,0, twenty-one, township two south, range forty-three west of the sixth- public r¤rk· ` piincipal meridian, is hereby ceded to the Beecher Island Battle l emorial Association, a corporation incor orated and or nized under ‘ and by virtue of the laws of the State of golorado, for th; purpose of a public park, and in the event that the same shall not be used for a public park for three successive years the same shall revert to the Government. Declaration of forfeiture under this Act may be declared F¤ff<=i¤¤‘¤- by the Secretary of the Interior. Sec. 2. That the Secretary of the Interior is hereby authorized to P¤*¤¤¤- issue to the Beecher Island Battle Memorial Association a patent for said land, subject to the qualification herein contained. Approved, April 27., 1904. CHAP. 1620.-An Act To modify and amend an agreement with the Indians of · Algril 27.1904. p the Devils Lake Reservation, in North Dakota, to accept and ratify the same as [ ·B um-} amended, and making appropriation and providon to carry the name info effect. [rubnc, N0. ma.] Whereas James McLaughlin, United States Indian inspector, did, Bggggbigk Rc _ on the second day of November, A. D. nineteen hundred and one, muon, N. mi. SH make and conclude an agreement with the male adult Indians of the Devils Lake Reservation, in the State of North Dakota, which said agreement is in words and figures as follows: This agreement made and entered on the second day of November, q,;;§§*{;*1*(f;*,;,S0,;"}j}; nineteen hundred and one, by and between James McLaughlin, U. S. Semen or (·m.ml Indian Inspector, on the part of the United States and the Sisseton, 1'“‘dS‘ WVahpeton, and Cut-Head bands of the Sioux tribe of Indians belonging on the Devils Lake Reservation, in the State of North Dakota, witnesseth: ‘ - _ ‘ ARTICLE I. The said Indians belonging on the Devils Lake Indian I-¤¤d¤*°b<*¤***°**· Reservation, North Dakota, for the consideration hereinafter named do hereby cede, surrender, grant, and convey to the United States all their claim, right, title, and interest in and to all that (part of the Devils Lake Indian Reservation now remaining unallotte , including the tract of land at present known as the Fort Totten Military Reserve, situated within the boundaries of the said Devils Lake Indian Reservation, and being a part thereof; except six thousand one hundred and sixty (6,160) acres required for allotments to sixty-one Indians of said reservation entitled to allotments, but to whom allotments have not yet been made, said sixty-one allotments to be made by the United States under the rovisions of the general allotment act of February 8, 1887, V°’· *·¥’· 79*- as amended February 28th, 1891. , ARTICLE Il. In consideration of the land ceded, relimiiuished, and P"°°· conveyed by Article I of this agreement, and in full of a l claims and demands of said Indians of Devils Lake Reservation, North Dakota, arising or growing out of the erroneous survey of the western boundary of their reservation in eighteen hundred and seventy-five, whereby