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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/408

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320 FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 1620. 1904. about sixty-four thousand (64,000) acres were excluded therefrom; also in full for timber taken from their reservation for use of the military post of Fort Totten, from eighteen hundred and sixty-seven (1867) to eighteen hundred and ninetyI1890) (covering the period from the time of its establishment to the time of its discontinuance), the United States stipulates and agrees to play to said Indians, in the manner hereinafter provided, the sum of t ree hundred and forty-five thousand (345,000) dollars. rsrmmu mymm A.n·r1cLn III. It is agreed that of the amount to be paid to said i"°"h' Indians, as stipulated in Article II of this agreement, the sum of one hundred and forty-five thousand (145,000) dollars shall be paid in cash, er capita, share and share alike, to each man, woman, and child belonging on the said Devils Lake Reservation, within four months after the ratification of this agreement, and the remainder of the said sum of three hundred and fort -tive thousand dollars, viz, two hundred thousand (200,000) dollars, shall be paid in cash, uper cagitakhin ten annual installments of twenty thousand (20,000) dollars eac , e nrst of which installments to be paid in the month of June following the said first payment of one hundred and forty-five thousand (145 000) dollars and in the month of June of each year thereafter of the succeeding nine years covering the period of the said ten annual installments. héijgwggigr gg; Aarrcnm IV. It is understood that nothing in this agreement shall mmm be construed to deprive the said Indians of the Devils Lake Reservation, North Dakota, of any benefits to which they are entitled under the existing treaties or agreements not inconsistent with the provisions of this agreement. mm ARHCLE V. This agreement shall take eifect and be in force when signed by U. S. Indian Inspector James McLaughlin, and by a ma'ority of the male adult Indians, parties hereto, and when accepted and ratitied by the Con ess of the United States. In witness wghrereof the said James McLau hlin, U. S. Indian Inspector, on the Bart of the United States, and tie male adult Indians belonging to the evils Lake Reservation, North Dakota, have hereunto set their hands and seals at the Devils Lake Agency, Fort Totten, N<g·th Dakota, this second day of November, A. D. nineteen hundred an one. ‘ Janus MCLAUGHLIN, U. S. Indian Inspector. Noi Names. I Marks. Ago. ilrisiiiiixiiiiiiffIICZIZZZZZZZZIIZIIIZIIZIZZZZZZQZXXII[ZZZQZLQZQZZQjfZZZZZZZZZZZZZQZZQZZZI Si l it 3 l Ignatius Court ... . . _ _,,___,________ 1 ________ . 3;; I (And 213 other Indian signatures.) I

IVe, the undersi ned, hereby certify that the foregoing agreement was fully explained by us in open council to the Indians of the Devils Lake Reservation, N. Dak.; that it was full understood by them before signing, and that the agreement was dulv executed and signed by said Indians. I . ()HAm.r:s IVHITE, Icxurnts Comrr, Interpreters. Dmvxns Lam: AGENCY, N. Dax., November T, 1901. \\`e, the undersivned, do herebv certifv that we witn ~~ ··‘¤·- natures of James 3IcLaughlin, U. S. Indian Inspectorjélidd