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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/411

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FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. 1I. Ch. 1620. 1904. 323 tion twenty-three hundred and one, Revised Statutes, by paying for the land entered the price fixed herein, receiving credit for payments pm previously made. In addition to the price to be paid for the land, the entryman shall pay the same fees and commissions at the time of commutation or hnal entry, as now provided by law, where the price of _ the land is one dollar and twenty-five cents per acre: And provided R""'“°*““°”"~ further, That aliens who have declared their intention to become citizens of the United States may become purchasers under this Act, but before proving up and acquititle must take out their full natural- Disposal of unsold ization padpers: Andprmndedlgtrthn, That, when in the judgment of 1********* the President no more of the land herein ceded can be disposed of at said fprice, he may by proclamation, to be repeated in his discretion, sell om time to time the remainin lands subject to the rovisions of the homestead law or otherwise aséxe may deem most advantageous, at such price or prices, in such manner, upon such conditions, with such restrictions, and upon such terms as e may deem best for all R,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,. interests concerned: And provided further, That the President is **0**, 0*0·» P***‘P0¤0¤· hereby authorized to reserve, in his proclamation for the opening of the said lands, so much of, the tracts heretofore reserved for church, . mission, and agency purposes, as he may deem necessary, not to scf_`;;'} T°*“*** ******0** exceed nine hundred acres, and also not exceeding two and one-half ' sections for the Fort Totten Indian school, and the United States sti ulates and agrees to pay for said reserved lands at the rate of three public Wk dollars and twenty-five cents per acre. The President is also authorized to reserve a tract embracing Sullys Hill, in the northeastern portion of the abandoned military reservation, about nine hundred and sixty acres, as a public park. . Sec. 5. That sections sixteen and thirlysix of the lands hereby §,;’,{,‘§‘g,1D,,,‘{‘,‘,{,?*,,,,,,_ acquired in eachtownship shall not be subject to entry, but shall be ¤¤¤>- reserved for the use of the common schools and paid for by the United States at three dollars and twenty-tive cents lper acre, and the same are hereby granted to the State of North Da ota for such purpose; and in case any of said sections, or parts thereof, of the land in the ,0{;g*{;;**d£*0** 0* ¤*· said Devils Lake Indian Reservation or Fort Totten abandoned military reservation should be lost to said State of North Dakota by reason of allotments thereof to any Indian or Indians now holdin the same, or otherwise, the governor of said State, with the approvallof the Secretary of the Interior, is hereby authorized to locate other lands not occupied, in the townships where said lands are lost, provided suiiicient lands are to be had in the said townships, otherwise the selections ` to be made elsewhere within the ceded tract, which shall be paid for . by the United States as provided in article two of the treaty as herein Aw. p- M amended, in quantity equal to the loss, and such selections shall be made prior to the opening of such lands to settlement. Sec. 6. That the proceeds received from the sale of said lands in D**P°•¤*0*P*000°“· ‘ conformity with this Act shall be paid into the Treasury of the United States an paid to the Indians belonging to the Devils Lake Reservation onliy, as provided in article three of said agreement as herein ¢*’•“· P- **2- amende . _ _ Sec. 7. That there is hereby appro riated, out of any mone in the S,,‘§X.}if'L'}§{?tf§§‘d,_f°r Treasury not otherwise a propriatedlj the sum of fifty-two tllousand dollars, or so much thereop as may be necessar *, to ay for lands ceded to the United States for school, agenc , church, and) mission purposes, ‘ and for lands granted to the State of Nbrth Dakota, as herein provided. Sec. 8. That nothing in this Act contained shall in any manner bind bfgffgd tfmtsrschggg the United States to purchase any portion of the land herein described iamteu-. P` except sections sixteen and thirty-six, or the equivalent, in each township, and such lands as may be reserved for school, agency, church, an mission purposes, or to dispose of said land except as provided herein, or to guarantee to and purchasers for said lands or any portion