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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/410

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322 FIFTY—EIGHTH CONGRESS. S¤Ss. II. Ch. 1620. 1904. lamation of the President of the United States opening the said lands to settlement, the sum of one hundred and forty-five thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may have accrued from the sale of the said lands; and the remainder of the sums derived from the sale of the said lands shall be paid to the said Indians in annual installments not to exceed \ thirty thousand dollars in my one year, and the first of which installments to be paid in the mon of June of the year following the first payment, and in the month of June of each year thereafter until the whole proceeds of the sale of the said lands shall have been disbursed. fgégaglv b¤¤€¤*§ "Am·. IV. It is understood that nothing in this agreement shall be °°construed to deprive the said Indians of the Devils Lake Reservation. North Dakota, of any benefits to which they are entitled under the elxisting treaties or agreements not inconsistent with the provisions or . t is a reement. E¤’°¤*· "AIir. V. This a eement shall take effect and be in force when accepted and ratifiedqléy the Congress of the United States. " R¤°*¤°¤**°¤· Tlhat tlée said agrleement be, agdghe same IS hereby, accepted, _ ra e ,an con rme ,as ereinamen e .· m°¤¤°¤¤- _ Sec. 3. That before any of the lands ceded by said agreement are openedto settlement and entry, or otherwise disposed of, the Commis·- sioner of Indian Affairs shall cause allotments to be made as provided by article one of the agreement, such allotments to conform as to quanv01. 1s, p. ms tity to the provisions of the treaty of February nineteenth, eighteen v01. 24, p. ass. hundred an sixty-seven, and of the Act of February eighth, eighteen vox. as, p. m. hundred ang eiggnty-seven, as amended February twenty-eighth, eighteen undre an ninety-one. _c¥;¤¤€g¤¤L<:;;>_L<;g€¤;¤3 Sec. 4. That the lands ceded to the United States under said agreelaws. ment, including the Fort Totten abandoned military reservation, which are exclusive of six thousand one hundred and sixty acres which are required for allotments, exceptin sections sixteen and thirty-six or an equivalent of two sections in each township, and such tracts as may be reserved by the President as hereinafter provided shall be disposed of under the neral provisions of the homestead and town-site laws Proclamation open- of the UnitedgStates, and shall be opened to settlement and entry by

  • ,§§,,Q“"°* '° "‘“°' proclamation of the President, which proclamation shall rescribe the

manner in which these lands may be settled upon, occupied; and entered P¤»M>·¤6*- by persons ent1tled to make entry thereof, and no person shall be permitted to settle upon, occupy, or enter any of said lands, except as re- P¤•¢.1>-100- · scribed in such proclamation, until after the expiration of sixty diiys from the time when the same are opened to settlement and entry: pwyw. Itvwided, That the rights of honorably discharged Union soldiersand ,,§{,‘,QQ§,'§d“§’,‘,lg{}l"{,',§Q sailors of the late civil and the Spanish war, as defined and described ¤¤,$fg‘fé€cS_,3M_2305’ in sections twenty-three hundre and four and twenty-three hundred p.\·tfil.3l P m and five of the Revised Statutes, as amended by the Act of March " ‘ ‘ ‘ first, nineteen hundred and one, shall not be abridged: And prmwlerl pn.--pmlcm. jiqt/cer, That the price of said lands entered under the provisions of this Act shall be four dollars and fifty cents per acre, payable as folmmsna, _ lows:_ One_ dollar and fifty cents when the entry is made, and the remainder m annual installments of fifty cents per acre until paid for: rm-enum. 1’7·0mded_furtLm·, That in case any entryman fails to make such pay- ments, or any of them, within the time stated, all rights in and to the land covered by his or her entry shall at once cease, and any y- ments theretofore made shall be forfeited and the entry shallmbc Canceled enum. cancelled: And pmrulerl further, That the lands embraced within mee per me. such canceled entry shall, after the cancellation of such entry, be sub ject to entry under the provisions of the homestead law at four dollars and fifty cents per acre up to and until provision may be made for the disposition of said land by dproclamatwn of the President as here enagiptngpagzrggduze matter provided: And prrwide further, That nothing in this Act shall R_;__.€.._2;m_ ,,_,s1_ prevent homestead settlers from commuting their entries under sec