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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/414

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326 r1rrr-E1e1-1rn ooscnsss. sm. 11. on. 1622. 1904. 0“’“°¤· Orrrrrrs ON Emsr ENLISTMENTZ Outfits for all enlisted men and apprentices of the Navy on first enlistment, ten thousand men and apprentices, at forty-ve dollars each, four hundred and hfty thousand dollars. Maintenance of wi- MAINTENANCE or 0oLLrERs: Pay, transportation, shipping, and sub- M"` sistence of civilian officers and crews of naval colliers, and all expenses connected with naval colliers employed in emergencies which can not be paid from other appropriations, two hundred and twenty-four thousand six hundred and four dollars. _N¤v¤1 mining snr- NAVAL TRAINING STATION, CALiro1zN1A: Maintenance of naval training miiigimnuemnuna, station, Yerba Buena Island, California, namely: Labor and material; C°*· buildings and wharves; general care, repairs, and improvements of grounds, buildings, and wharves; wharfage, ferriage, and street-car fare; purchase and maintenance of live stock, and attendance on same; wa ons, carts, implements, and tools, and repairs to same; fire engines ant? extinguishers; boats and gymnastic imp ements; models and other articles needed in instruction of apprentices; printing outiit and materials, and maintenance of same; heating, lighting, and furniture; stationery, books, and periodicals; fresh water, ice, and washing; freight . and expressage; packing boxes and materials; postage and telegraph- . gag; te ephones, and all other contingent expenses, forty thousand o ars. mC3ssl2e? Harbor In NAVAL TRAINING STATION, R1~1o1>E IsLAN1>: Maintenance of naval ’ training station, Coasters Harbor Island, Rhode Island, namely: Labor and material; buildings and wharves; dredging channels; extending sea wall; repairs to causeway and sea wall; general care, repairs,' and improvements of grounds, buildin s, and wharves; wharfage, ferriage, and street—car fare; purchase am? maintenance of live stock, and attendance on same; wagons, carts, implements, and tools, and repairs to same; tire engines and extinguishers; boats and gymnastic implements; models and other articles needed in instruction of apprentices; printing outfit and materials, and maintenance of same; heating, lighting, and furniture; stationery, books, and periodicals; fresh water, ice, and washing; freight and expressage; c ing boxes and materials; postage and telegraphing; telephones, and aiilother contingent expenses; ectures and suitable entertainments for apprentices, one thousand 'dollars; in all, fifty-six thousand dollars. Rijevel WM ¤¤¤¢¤•=· NAVAL WAR Cornaea, Ruona ISLAND: For maintenance of the ` ‘ Naval War Colle e on Coasters Harbor Island, and care of grounds for same, eight thousand dollars; one draftsman, at one thousand two hundred doliars per year; services of a lecturer on international law, to be immediately available. one thousand dollars; services of civilian lecturers rendered at the War College, to be immediately available, six hundred dollars: purchase of books of reference, four hundred dollars; in all, eleven thousand two hundred dollars. d,;f§g‘§ *,¥.§’“°·*’*“’“· NAVAL Hom:. PHILADELPHIA, Pm1xsrLvAx1A; One superintendent 'of grounds. at seven hundred and twenty dollars; one steward, at four hundred and eighty dollars; one matron, at four hundred and twenty dollars; one benenciaries’ attendant, at two hundred and forty dollars; one chief cook, at three hundred and sixty dollars; one assistant cook at two hundred and forty dollars; one assistant cook, at one hundred and eighty dollars; one chief laundress, at one hundred and ninetv-two dollars; five laundresses, at one hundred and sixtv-eight dollars~eachfour scrubbers. at one hundred and sixty-eight dollars each· one head waitress, at one hundred and ninetv-two dollars; eight waitresses at one hundred and sixtveight dollarsieach; one kitchen servant at two hundred dollars: eight laborers, at two hundred and fortv dollars eachone stable keeper and driver. at three hundred and sixty dollars one master at arms, at four hundred and eightv dollars· two house, corporals. at three hundred dollars each; one ~barber. at three hundred