Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/415

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FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Suss. II. Ch. 1622. 1904. 327 and sixty dollars; one ca nte1·, at eight hundred and forty-five dollars; one painter, at ei hlihhndred and forty-five dollars; one engineer for elevator and machinery, six hundred dollars; three laborers, at three hundred and sixty dollars each; three laborers, at three hundred dollars each; total for employees, fourteen thousand and seventy dollars. Miscellaneous: Water rent and lighting, two thousand one hundred dollars; cemetery, burial expenses, and headstones three hundred and fifty dollars; improvement of grounds, seven hundred and eighty dollars; repairs to uildings, boilers, furnaces and furniture, eight thousand dollars· music in c apel, six hundred dollars; transportation of indigent and destitute beneficiaries to the Naval Home one hundred dollars; support of beneficiaries, fifty thousand seven hundred and twenty-five ollars; total miscellaneous, sixty-two thousand six hundred and fifty-five dollars; in all, for Naval Home, seventy-six thousand seven hundred and twenty-five dollars, which sum shall be paid out of the income from the naval pension fund. BUREAU or onmuxon. B¤re¤¤<>for¤¤¤¤¤¤- Oaoxncn AND omuuxon stromcs: For procuring, producing, pre- 0¤1¤¤¤¤¤ and oniserving, and handling ordnance material; or the armament of shi s; °°“°° °°°r°°' for fuel, material, and labor to be used in the general work of are Ordnance Department; for watchmen at magazines, powder factory, · and powder depots; for furniture in ordnance buildings at navy-yards and stations; for maintenance of the nproving ground and powder factoiiyésaind for target practice, two m' ion do lars. rve sup ly_of ammunition, five hundred thousand dollars. B e;_w¤$¤r;1¤i¤ ¤. re- Péziécliiase and manufacture of smokeless powder, five hundred thou- s¤iox£€¤l'}¤>wm. san o rs. _ Purchase and installation of machine tools at the navy-yard, Boston, meme mu. Massachusetts, five thousand dollars. - · Purchase and installation of machine tools at the navy-yard, Portsmouth, New Hampshire, four thousand dollars. Purchase and installation of machine tools at the torpedo station, Newport,' Rhode Island, five thousand dollars. Purchase and installation of machine tools at naval magazine, Lake Denmark, New Jersey, two thousand dollars. Navy-yard, Washington, District of Columbia: Purchase of a fit- Y;fg¤*g¤g*<>¤ N¤*’Y· teen-ton wrecking car, seven thousand five hundred dollars; new and rrubnimiy, ea. improved machinery for existing shops, one hundred thousand dollars; repairs to boiler plant, three thousand dollars; repairs to cranes, machinery, locomotives, and wrecking car, ten thousand dollars; in . all, one hundred and twenty thousand five hundred dollars. Navy- ard, Mare Island, California: Purchase and installation of Mmisramrcai. overhead) traveling cranes in building numbered one hundred and T"°'°°“"“ °""‘°* eleven, thirteen thousand two hundred dollars. Rnsmzvrz Goss Fon Aoxinunr cmnsmzsz Toward the armament of m¥jry°?°;;:,!g? ¤¤¤· modern guns for auxiliary cruisers mentioned in the Act approved v¤1.2¤,p.s14. March third, eighteen hundred and ninety-one, and in section our of the Act approved May tenth, eighteen hundred and ninety-two, one V0l.27,p.28. hundred and twenty-five thousand dollars. Rnsnavn cuss ron smrs or mn Nxvrz Purchase and manufac- shggssoe sims M Eure of reservg gpns for ships of the Navy, one hundred and twenty- ' ve thousand dollars. Tonrnno srxrroiv, Nnwronr, Ruoor. Isumn: For labor, material, N;*gP’{’,‘;,d°R’{_°‘*°¤· freight, and express charges: general care of and repairs to grounds,` buildings, and wharves; boats, instruction, instruments, tools, furnitlugp, experiments, and general torpedo outfits, sixty-Eve thousand o ars.