FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 1628. 1904. 367 preservation of records; maintaining and keeping in good order the laboratory and apparatus in the office of the ins ctor of asphalt and cement; damages; livery., purchase, and care ofphorses and carriages or buggies not otherwise provided for; horseshoeing; fuel, ice, gas, repairs, repairs to pound and vehicles, use of bicycles by inspectors in the engineer department not to exceed five hundred dollars, and other general necessar expenses of District offices, includin the sinking—fund office, boardy of charities, excise board, persons-tax board, harbor master, health department, surveyor’s office, sealer of weights and measures office, lice court, and department of insurance, forty thousand dollars; and EZ Commissioners shall so apportion this sum as to prevent a deiiciencylsshereins Provided, That horses and Prwm vehicles appropriated for in tAct shall be used only for official U¤¢ <>f ¤¤¤¤¤- pu s. So part of the money a ropriated by this Act, except appropria- tgggr gg¤*gPgg¢ditions for the militia, shalhhe used for the purchase, livery, or main-` tenance of horses or for the purchase, maintenance, or repair of buggies or carriages and harness, except as provided for in the appropriation for contingent and miscellaneous expenses or unless the appropriation from which the same is proposed to be paid shall specifically authorize such {purchase, livery, maintenance, and repair, and except also as hereinbe ore authorized. No part of the money appropriated bfy this Act shall be used for the Suf.F,{,fJ],°;‘,§,{,’§b‘f{:h*¤· payment of premiums or other cost of re insurance. ` or contingent expenses of stables of the en 'neer department, S'·'**’*°“· including forage, livery of horses, shoeing, purchase and repair of vehicles, purchase and repair of harness, blankets, lap robes, purchase ‘ of horses, whips, oils, brushes, combs, sponges, chamois skins, buckets, halters, jacks, rubber boots and coats, medicines, and other necessary articles and expenses, five thousand dollars; and no expenditure on account of the engineer department for the items named rn this paragrgph shall be made from an g other fund. or postage for strictly o cial mail matter, five thousand dollars. P¤¤¤18¤- For rent of District offices, nine thousand dollars. Rent For rent of old record vault, six hundred dollars. For rent of office for department of insurance, eight hundred and forty dollars. For rent of property yards, three hundred dollars. For rent of storeroom for property clerk, three hundred dollars. For necessary expenses in the col ection of overdue personal taxes mgoyectiuz r·¤¤¤¤¤¤1 pty distraint an sale and otherwise, and for other necessary items, two °" ousand five hundred dollars. For judicial expenses, including procurement of chains of title., the J¤di¤i¤¤ <¤¤p•¤¤¤<v¤· printing of briefs in the court of appeals of the District of Columbia, and witness fees in District cases before the supreme court of said District, one thousand dollars. ,F or livery of horse or horse hire for coroner’s office, iurors’ fees, 0¢>¤>¤·=r'¤ ¤¤v¢¤¤¢¤- witness fees, removal of deceased dpersons, making autopsies, ice, disinfectants, telephone service, an other necessary supplies for the morgue, and the necessary expenses of holding inguests, including stenogra hic services in taking of testimony, an photographing unidentided bodies, two thousand two hundred dollars. For eneral advertising, authorized and required by law, and for tax Advertising. and sclgool notices and notices of changes in regulations, three thousand dollars. For advertising notice of taxes in arrears July tlrst, nineteen hun- rn ammge sms. dred and four, as required to be given by Act of March nineteenth eighteen hundred and ninety, three thousand dollars, to be reimbursed by a charge of fifty cents for each lot or piece of property advertised.
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