368 FIFTY—EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. H. Ch. 1628. 1904. E¤*°*°*“88”—“‘°”“d For the_enforcement of the game and fish laws of the District of mums` Columbia, to be expended under the direction of the Commissioners, _ five hundred dollars. K¤¤¤"°Y¤~ For resurvey of Meridian Hill subdivision, four hundred and fifty dollars. For resurvey of certain squares in the eastern part of the city of VVashington, and placing monuments at corners of same, to replace · original monuments destroyed during the civil war, one thousand two hundred dollars. M‘mi°*P°“"““'·“”g· For continuing work on the municipal building, three hundred thousand dollars. ` 0,,!;°:°’d°' of d°°"" For metal shelving, bookcases, and racks in the office of the recorder ` of deeds of the District of Columbia, ten thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, to be expended by the Superintendent of the Capitol. _ H}->zim¤ of W*“¤’ For metallic cases for card index for office of register of w1lls of the ° °€` District of Columbia, seven hundred and fifty dollars. . Retggviuz <1¤¤s¢r— For carrying out the provisions of the Act approved March first, °u`$o1.3tqi;?B9é3. eighteen hundred and ninety-nine, entitled "An Act to authorize the Commissioners of the District of Columbia to remove dangerous or - unsafe buildings and parts thereof, and for other purposes," to pay the members of the board of survey provided for therein, other t an the inspector of buildings, at a compensation of not to exceed ten dollars each survey, and to pay the cost of making safe or removing such buildings upon the refusal or neglect of the owners so to do, two thousand dollars. · Hizhvw ¤r¤*¤m· PERMANENT SYSTEM OF HIGHWAYS. ' Ex ¤¤°¤- To the e enses of (arr in out the lan for the extension of a V°{°27’p` w` permsgnadiit systiepm of highways iii conformiity with the “Act to provide a permanent system of highways in that art of the District of Columbia lying outside of cities," approved ldiarch second, eighteen hundred and ninety-three, two thousand five hundred dollars, to be paid wholly out of the revenues of the District of Columbia. r€{)¥_;g;·j·r¤¤¤¤¤— wd IMPROVEMENTS AND REPAIRS. cn§¥$i¤¤¤g>`%0g*:g$ EL1M1NATIoN or GRADE CROSSINGSZ Toward carrying out the promm. 8* _ visions of the Acts of Congress providing for the elimination of grade v°’·3‘· "· ""· crossings and the construction of a union railroad station in the District of Columbia, approved February twelfth, nineteen hundred and v..1.xz,p.m. one, and February twenty-eighth, nineteen hundred and three, for purchase or condemnation of the land necessary for the plaza and new streets, and for reconstructing, grading, and aving, together with the necessary incidental work in connection therewith, the streets, avenues, and ways changed in line or in giade or newly created under the provisions of said Acts, this sum to be expended under the proirisions of said Acts, and to continue available until expended, three hundred thousand dollars. ` m;j·;j£5¤··¤¤*·•¤··*r<‘*· Assmssxxrzzvr Asn PERMIT woRK: For assessment and permit work, ` one hundred and sixty thousand dollars. ,u§},¤ggl}g;*i€;**¤**‘*¤*· That hereafter all moneys received by the collector of taxes of the n1»ymm_io¤ of District of Columbia in the nature of trust-fund deposits, the disposi- "‘°"°’”"°°""d‘ tion of which is not provided for by law, and which have been and now are deposited by said collector with the Treasurer of the United States to the official credit of the disbursing officer of the District of Columbia, shall be de sited by the said collector in the Treasury of the United States to th; credit of a permanent appropriation account, to be known and designated as "Miscellaneous trust-fund deposits, District of Columbia;" and the balances now standing to the official
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