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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/458

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370 FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. H. Ch. 1628. 1904. Gmdms- GRADING STREETS, ALL1·:Ys, AND ROADS! For purchase and repair of cars, carts, tools, or the hire of the same, and horses, to be used by the inmates of the \Vashington Asylum in the work of glrading, and pay of dump men needed to carry out the work, ten thousand dollars. C~>¤d€¤¤**=m¤¤· CONDEMNATION or STREETS, ROADS, AND ALLEYS: For dpurchase or condemnation of streets, roads, and alleys, one thousand ollars. opening me;-S. OPENING ALLEYS: For opening, widening, and extending alleys and v,,;_31, p_ g2g_ minor streets in the District of Columbia under the provisions of the Code of Iews for the District of Columbia, the sum of twenty-five Balances ammbie. thousand dollars appropriated for this purpose in the District of V°1'32’ p` 962 Columbia appropriation Act approved March third, nineteen hundred and three, which sum shall be paid wholly from the revenues of the District of Columbia, together with any balance of the appropriation of forty thousand dollars made out of the funds of the District of V°]‘ 2* *’· W" Columbia in the deficiency Act approved March third, eighteen hundred and ninety-three, for opening, widenin , and extending alleys in the District of Columbia, shall be available Ear use in opening, widening, extending, and strai htenin alleys and minor streets under the provisions of the Code of Laws an the District of Columbia, the same to be reimbursed by the payment of assessments to be made under the provisions of said code. _ _ _ _ mf¤gg;1¤°yw:{dg¢g§ In all eases of payments for opening, widening, extending, and damages. straightening alleys and minor streets under the provisions of the Code of Laws for the District of Columbia, the accounting officers shall take into account the assessment for benefits and the award for damages, and shall pay only such part of said award in respect of any lot as may be in excess of the assessment for benefits against the part of such lot not taken, and there shall be credited on said assessment the amount of said award not in excess of said assessment. 5***)********* *“*"°Y¤· PLATS or SUBDIVISIONS OUTSIDE or WASHINGTON! To ay the expenses of such surveys as may be necessary to enable the Commissioners of the District to determine whether plats of subdivisions of Wl-25-P·*5*· land within said District offered for record have been made in conformity to the "Act to regulate subdivision of land within the District of Columbia," approved August twenty-seventh, eighteen hundred and eighty-eight, two thousand dollars.

 CONSTRUCTION OF coUNTY ROADS! For construction of county roads

and suburban streets as follows: For Columbia road between Fourteenth and Sixteenth streets, pave, five thousand two hundred dollars; For Yale street between Thirteenth and Fourteenth streets, pave, six thousand dollars; For Pennsylvania avenue extended, grade, five thousand dollars; For California avenue from Phelps place to Massachusetts avenue, grade and im rove, six thousand five hundred dollars; For \VoodlEy road from Wisconsin avenue to Idaho avenue, grade and improve, two thousand dollars; For wenty-second street from Decatur place to S street northwest, improvement, five thousand dollars; or S street, North Capitol to First street west, grade and pave, seven thousand two hundred dollars; For Quincy street from North Capitol street to Florida avenue, pave, six thousand three hundred dollars; “ For Dover street, Brookland, from Twelfth to Thirteenth streets, grade and improve, two thousand dollars; ‘ For Eighth street, Petworth, from Richmond to Trenton streets, grade and improve, four thousand dollars; For Grant street northwest, between Eighteenth street and Niueteenth street, grade and improve, seven thousand five hundred dollars;