FIFTY -EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. H. Ch. 1628. 1904. 369 credit of said disbursin officer with the Treasurer of the United States on account of suc}? trust-fund deposits, known as the “Wholecost deposit fund, District of Columbia," or otherwise, shall be withdrawn and deposited in the Treasury of the United States to the credit of said permanent appropriation account denominated “Miscellaneous trust-fund deposits, istrict of Columbia.” Necessary advances from said permanent appropriation account i.§f'”·“°°S “““‘°" shall be made by the Secretary of the Treasury to the disbursing officer of the District of Columbia, upon requisition of the Commissioners, for such amounts as may be required from time to time for necessary disbursements. The said disbursing officer shall make disbursements from such advances only u n itemized vouchers duly audited and approved by the auditor of th: District of Columbia, and the accounts of said disbursing officer for all such disbursements shall be rendered to and audited by the Auditor for the State and other Delpartments. A A t shall be the duty of the auditor of the District of Columbia to °°°`m keep selparate accounts with each depositor for all trust—fund deposits receive and deposited in accordance with the provisions of this Act, showing the amounts received and deposited and the payments made on each individual account. Womc ox smears AND AVENUESZ For work on streets and avenues ,,l,v,Y,§§,,{’“ “““°"‘ ‘“‘d named in Ap ndix Cc, Book of Estimates, nineteen hundred and five, soventyfive tihimsand dollars, to be expended in the discretion of the Commissioners upon streets and avenues s cified in the schedules named in said appendix and in the aggregate gi each schedule as stated herein, namely: Gmoaoirrowx scammnm: Five thousand one hundred dollars. *“°"“°“*· d gilgimnwmr smcnox somcuuuzz Sixteen thousand two hundred · o rs. Somnwmsr sacrrou scmznumcz Seven thousand five hundred dollars. Sorrrmnascr sucrron scanners: Twenty-seven thousand four hun- Z dred and fifty dollars. Nonmmsr sncrros SCHEDULE! Eighteen thousand seven hundred and fifty dollars. _ Prm,•e'cZed, That streets and avenues named in said schedules already §Z'S${'§°‘P,.-ed with paved with Belgian block or granite shall not be paved or otherwise *****5;***** b °°"· °‘°· improved under this appropriation, and the remaining streets and avenues, except as herein specified, shall be contracted for in the order in which they appear in said schedules, and be completed in such order as nearly as practicable, and shall be paved, in the discretion of the Commissioners, instead of being dgraded and regulated. _ f h Under appropriations contains in this Act no contract shall be made ptléturgiuriii Mp "H for making or relaying asphalt pavement at a higher price than one dollar and sixty-five cents r square yard for a uality e ual to the best laid in the District of Cdlumbia mor to July(hrst, eighteen hundred and eight -six, and with same diapth of base, nor more than one dollar and eighty cents per square yard for laying standard asphalt block pavement equal to the best laid in the District of Columbia pr1or to Pr . July hrst, nineteen hundred and four: Provided, That these conditions rugigik axxowea. as to price and depth of base shall not apply to those streets on which, in the judgment of the Commissioners, by reason of heavy trafiic, poor foundation, or other causes, a pavement of more than ordinary strength is required, in which case the limit of price may be increased to two dollars per square yard. _ For repaving with asphalt Tenth street between G and l/Vater streets ¥§}§{‘,§’§§§é,, gw_ southwest, two thousand dollars. _ For paving with asphalt Seventh street northwest, from Pennsyl- S°“’“"‘ "’°°‘ °'W· vania avenue to E street and from G street to north side of New York avenue, twenty-four thousand dollars. von xxxm, rr 1--24