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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/460

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372 FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. Il. Ch. 1628. 1904. shall be deposited to the credit of the appropriation of the fiscal year in which they are collected. S*°‘°"'*“”· For replacing and repairing sidewalks and curbs around public reservations and muniei l buildin s, including not exceeding live Lincoln P¤rk- thousand five hundred dollhrs for siciwalks and curbs around Lincoln Park, ten thousand dollars. <>·>¤¤·¤Y¤>•d¤· Rnrams oomvrr noansz For current work of repairs of county roads and suburban streets, ninety thousand dollars. B’i"g°* Bmmms: For ordinary care of bridges, including keepers, oil, lam s, and matches, four thousand dollars. Fbr construction and repairs of bridges, fifteen thousand dollars. Bf,!Q,‘;;f’°“°“‘ ·“`°““° For continuing the construction of the bridge across Rock Creek on _ the line of Connecticut avenue extended, one hundred thousand dollars. P0*{j§,';'Q’}{',,f,’,fl“‘°· For continuing construction, including approaches, of the highway uyvoig p. m; vs:. bridge across the Potomac River at Washington, District of Columbia, °' and or any and all pu s connected therewith, four hundred and °°*" ‘“°'“'°‘*· twenty-eig t thousand dollars; and the total cost of said bridge and

 plhall not exceed one million one hundred and ninety-six

ousan dollars.

‘},€°· For the reconstruction of the Anacostia bridge, under direction of

1>os,p.a¤¤. the Commissioners of the District of Columbia, one hundred thousand dollars, and the said Commissioners are authorized to enter into a contract or contracts for the reconstruction of said bridge, to be completed °°“‘· °“’· within two years from July first, nineteen hundred and four, at a cost not to exceed two hundred and fifty thousand dollars, to be paid from

 by Amb time to time as appropriations therefor may be made by law: Provided,

gina, ew., anumm That the Anacostia and Potomac River Railroad Company shall pay mp""' the entire cost of the pavement between the exterior rails of its tracks on said bridge and for a distance of two feet from the said exterior rails of said tracks on each side thereof and the cost of the entire floor system supporting said pavement, to be collected in the same manne1· as the cost of laying pavements between the rails and tracks of street “’*·“°· P- *°‘· railways as provided for in section five of "An Act providing a permanent form of government for the District of Columbia," approved June eleventh, 91 hteen hundred and seventy-eight and paid into the Treasury one-hal? to the credit of the United States and one-half to mfg; W °“‘°' "“‘ the credit of the District of Columbia: Provided _]"m·the¢·, That any other railroad com ny now or hereafter authorized by Congress to use said bridge shallthave the right to use the tracks of the Anacostia and Potomac River Railroad Company thereon u n such reciprocal trackage and such compensation as may be mutually agreed upon, and in case of failure to reach such an agreement that the supreme court _ of the District of Columbia shall, upon petition tiled by either party, "*"‘"°""*“°°· ""'· tix and determine the same. And hereafter one-half of the cost of the maintenance and repairs of this bridge shall be borne by the. said railway company or companies, and shall be collected in the same manner as the cost of laying pavements between the rails and tracks of street railways. and paid into the Treasury, as provided for above. Bowers. <'1•—¤¤i¤:- d Eor cleaning and repairing sewers and basins, fifty-eight thousand o ars. min ¤¤·1 pine For main and pipe sewers and receivin basins. fifty thousand dollars. ‘“'>"*‘b·*¤· For suburban sewers. fifty thousand dollars. K¤=*¤¤· ¤f*··’¤>’- For purchase or condemnation of rights of way for construction. maintenance, and repair of public sewers, one thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary.

  • ‘*’““‘l*'>’- For completing the construction of the extension of the boundary

sewer to the vicinity of Twenty-second and A streets northeast. now under contract. ten thousand dollars.