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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/461

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FIFTY·EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 1628. 1904. 373 For continuing construction of the sewa e-disposal s stem pumping *’“mP‘¤€ ¤*¤“°¤· gtsmion, and for machinery therefor, one hundred andy fifty thousand o ars. For continuing construction of the B street and New Jerse avenue B *"°°° we New trunk sewer, two hundred thousand dollars. y may avenue mm]:` For continuing the outfall sewer siphon and outlet, including cost 0“**°“¤°”"·°*¤- of securing rights of way for outfall sewer by purchase or condemnation, three hundred thousand dollars. - For completion of work on the low-area trunk sewer, forty-tive L°" °"°°- . thousand dollars. For lower section of Rock Creek and B street interce ting sewer, s,,£‘,;°,h" C"°°" ““‘* B twenty-five thousand dollars. And the Commissioners of) the District 0¤¤tr¤<>¤· of Co umbia are authorized to enter into contract for the whole work at a cost not to exceed fifty-four thousand dollars. For Water and L street intercepting sewer, fifty thousand dollars. g,‘},'f§,,§{f‘“* ““'°°'·· And the Commissioners of the District of Columbia are authorized to enter into contract for the whole work at a cost not to exceed one hundred and ninet -eight thousand dollars. _ For Four-and-a-half street intercepting sewer, fifty thousand dollars. ,,,*g‘,Q}{‘"“°""‘“ And the Commissioners of the District of Columbia are authorized to C°¤*¤¤=*· enter into contract for the whole work at a cost not to exceed one hundred and fourteen thousand dollars. For outlet to old B street sewer, ten thousand dollars. And the B,,°,{{§’§f°"°° Commissioners of the District of Columbia are authorized to enter into contract for the whole work at a cost not to exceed thirty-five thousand dollars. . ` For constructing and maintaining the necessaglptutlet sewer for the T°k°'““ P'“k‘ drainage of Magnolia avenue, Ta oma Park,rict of Columbia, said sewer to be connected with the sewer system of Takoma Park, Mar land, upon agreement with the proper authorities of that town, one hundred and fty dollars. Any balances of former appropriations remainin after the execu- U“° °"’”1“"°"* tion of contracts for works of the sewage-disposaii system may be applied by the Commissioners of the District of Columbia in the execution of other portions of said sewage-disposal system. STREETS. S"°°°“‘ - Srmsxuxc, swmzrmc, no ormuixcz For sprinkling, sweeping, °l°“"""" ‘"° and cleaning streets, avenues, alleys, and suburban streets, including rent of stable and storage rooms; (purchase, maintenance, and livery o horses; purchase, maintenance, an repiair of wagons and harness, and necessary incidental expenses, and wor done un er existing contracts, as well as hand work done under the immediate direction of the Commissioners without contract: P1-ovided, That whenever it shall applear gmk mma to the Commissioners that said latter work can not be done under their W immediate direction at nineteen cents or less per thousand square yards, in accordance with the specifications under which the same was last advertised for bids, it shall at once be their duty to advertise to let said work under said specifications to the lowest responsible bidder, and if the same can not be procured to be done at a price not exceeding twenty cents per thousand square yards, they may continue to do said W0l'k under their immediate direction, in accordance with said specifications; one hundred and ninety-five thousand dollars, and the Commissioners shall so apportion this appropriation as to prevent a deficiency therein. Hereafter the COHlDllSSl0HBl'S of the District of Columbia are author- 8***** °‘ ¤"°°P“**’· ized to sell sweepings from the streets, the amounts realized from such sales to be deposited in the Treasury, one half to the credit of the United States and the other half to the credit of the District of Columbia.