Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/463

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I•`II·'1`Y-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 1628. 1904. 375 be a misdemeanor, and such refusal shall subject the company to a fine of got lgss than orée hundrpg nor more {shalt: five hundred dollars for eac an every 0 ense. at ever te e one com n doin busi- _ ness in the District of Columbia shhll anlfmally on ts? bbfore the fif- v1£>i¤g)¤ri»=¤ii>.si¤1v·tel€ teenth of January of each year report under oath to the Congress a classified statement of its receipts and expenditures for the previous calendar year dividing them into receipts and ex nditures on account of capital as well as income and operation in the District of Columbia, and that such report for the first year shall state the actual cost of thiir won;:? in the Distgict of gplumbia. h d I I h or p ing wires o fire- rm, tele ra , an oice te ep one ¤°l¤¤i¤¤ Wim ¤¤· . service under ground in existing condulitsfincludingi cost of cables, d°m°`md' terminal boxes, and posts, connections to and between existing con- _ duits, manholes, hand-holes, posts for fire-alarm and police boxes, extra labor, and other necessary items, thirty-tive thousand dollars. For extension of police—patrol system, including purchase of new rome -pm¤1 sysboxes, purchase and erection of the necessary poles, cross arms, insu— M"' lators, pins, braces, wire, cable, conduit connections, extra labor, and other necessar * items, five thousand dollars. Lronrixc: Iior illuminating material,1ighting,extinguishing, repair- Lizhuns. ing, and cleaning public lamps on avenues, streets, roads, and alleys; ' purchasing and expense of erecting and maintaining new lamp-posts, street designations, lanterns, and fixtures; moving lamp—posts, painting lamp- ts and lanterns; replacing and repairing lamp—posts and lanterns or unfit for service; for rent of storeroom, cartage of material, live , and other necessary itemsand services, two hundred and nineteen thousand dollars: Bwjdcd, That no more than twenty rmm. dollars per annum foreach street lam shall be paid for gasand no ;#Q*"“""° ’°' more than twenty-six dollars for oil liglhting, extinguishing, resairing, - painting, cleaning, purchasing, and expenses of erecting an main- ·taining new lamp-posts, street designations, lanterns, and fixtures, under any expenditure provided for in this Act. And during the fiscal year nineteen hundred and five the price prescribed by Congress for lighting each street lamp in the District of Columbia with gas or oil shall be construed to include the cost of the illuminating material . used, lighting and extinguishing lamps, repairing, painting, cleaning, purchasing. and expense of erecting an maintaining amp-posts street designations, anterns, and fixtures: Provided, That all o said A11·¤iz¤¤~¤rviv·¤- lamps shall burn every night, on the average, from fifteen minutes after sunset to forty-five minutes before sunrise: Prmdded further, negunms. That before any expenditures are made from the appropriations herein provided for, the contracting gas companies shall equip each street amp with a self—regulatin burner and tip, so combined and adjusted _ ` as to secure, under all ordinary variations of pressure and densit ,a consumption of five cubic feet of gas er hour: Provided furtzer, That not more than twenty thousand dollriirs of said appropriation may High-pqwm amps. be expended for lighting, extinguishing, repairing, painting, and cleaning public lamps of a higher candlepower than those provided for above, and not less than sixty candlepower, which lam s all not cost to exceed twenty-eight dollars per lamp, and shall otherwise be subject to the restrictions of this paragraph: Yzlndiprozvédedfztrthzm, That p0’t,.Y,,$"g° °““‘""` during the,) fiscal year pljpletgen hun rep Sn five the illuminating wer of the gas furnis y any s- ig ting com ny, person, or $i·sons in the.District of Columbia shall be equalxto twenty-two candles, notwithstanding the requirements as to candlepower prescribed by section three of the Act regulating the sale of gas in the District of Columbia, approved June sixth, eighteen hundred and ""‘·”·P·’·“· ninety-six. For electric arc lighting. includin necessary inspection, and for ’“°°'“°‘*€““¤¤- extensions of such service. not exceeddng eighty-eight thousand seven