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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/462

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374 FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 1628. 190-L. Remcviuzsnow and For cleanin snow and ice from cross walks and gutters, under the i°€#,-,1_¤_p_ M_ Act approvedg March second, eighteen hundred an ninety-hve, two 4’•‘*· P- 12- thousand five hundred dollars. °*¤P°¤l °* *‘°*“**=· Drsrosn. or crrr mcrusnz For the collection and disposal of garbage and dead animals; miscellaneous refuse and ashes from private residences in the city of Washington and the more densely populated suburbs; for collection and disposal of night soil in the District of Columbia. and for the payment of necessary inspection, live? of horses, and incidental expenses, one hundred and fifteen thousan dollars. Purkinzccmmissicn. Fon run PARKING commission: For contingent expenses, including laborers, cart hire, trees, tree boxes, tree stakes, tree straps, planting and care of trees on city and suburban streets, whitewashing, care of parks, and miscellaneous items, thirty thousand dollars. - Hnrbor md river Hsneon AND mvnn FRONT: For the improvement and protection nm"' of the harbor and river front, the enforcement of laws and regulations, construction and maintenance of wharves and buildings, and for other . necessary items and services, three thousand five hun red dollars. ‘ ¤•¤¤¤¤¢ ¤•»•¤¤· BATHING mnhcnz For the care, operation, maintenance, and repair_ of bathing beach, and iloating baths, three thousand dollars.

  • °•l°·~ Fon runuc scnms: For repair and replacement of public scales,

two hundred dollars. A '”"*P'~ Fon rmxmc Pumps: For the purchase, replacement, and repair of public umps cleaning and protecting public wells, tilling abandoned or condemned public wells, three thousand dollars. m§1,€F‘"°“* °°"°"" ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT. °"““°* For superintendent, one thousand six hundred dollars; inspector of lamps, one thousand dollars; electrician, one thousand two hundred dollars; draftsman, one thousand dollars; three telegraph operators, at one thousand dollars each; three ins ctors, at nine hundred dollars each; expert repair man, nine hundredpabnd sixty dollars; three repair men, at seven hundred and twenty dollars each; three telephone o r- ators, at six hundred dollars each; two laborers, at four hunclfed dollars each; in all, sixteen thousand two hundred and twenty dollars. $“P¥’“*’* For general supplies, re irs, new batteries, and battery supplies. telephone rental and pnrcliilse, wire for extension of the telegraph and telephone service, repairs of lines and instruments, purchase of pgles, tools, insulators, brackets, pins, hardware, cross arms, ice, record oks, stationery, printing, livery, horses and harness, washing, black- ’ smithing, forage, extralabor, new boxes, rent of stable and storeroom. {*g€¤*i·i•¤#;~] (_ I and other necessary items, fifteen thousand dollars: Provided, That md52S_ °" "` °” no part of the money herein appropriated shall be used for payment _ to any telephone company doing business in the District of (,olumbia for the use of an_v telephone within said District, for communicating therefrom, to any other tele hone connected to a central office of such company in the District of Columbia at rates in excess of the following: Sixty dollars per annum for a telephone on an individual metallic _ circuit, forty-eight dollars per annum for each telephone on the same premises, there bein not more than two on the same metallic circuit. and no contract shah be made with any telephone company for such mess mpnmemi. use of such telephones in excess of the rates herein specified: Prm·2`ded, °°“°°‘· That until the population of the city of Washington shall be three hundred and lift e thousand or over., no more than the above specilied rates shall be charged by any telephone company doing business in the District of Columbia for such use of such telephones at private resi-. dences within the District of Columbia. and any Acts or parts of Acts herctofi re enacted lixing tele hone rates for grounded circuits in the www fm Wm_ District of Columbia are herehiv repealed: Prm·v`dedji1rther, That the _ mm.’ refusal of the company to comply with the provisions of this Act shall