378 FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 1628. 190-1. Of the Jefferson Buildin , Franklin Building, and the Western ` Hi h School, at one thousand four hundred dollars each; ' Cf the Eastern High School, Business High School, M Street High School, McKinley Manual Training School, Armstrong Manual Training School, and Stevens School buildings, six in all, at one thousand two hundred dollars each; * Of the Wallach Building, one thousand dollars; Of the Brookland, Curtis, Dennison, Emer , Force, Gales, Garnet, Grant, Henry, Peabody, Seaton, Sumner, and, Webster school buildin ·, thirteen in all, at nine hundred dollars each; Cf the Birne , Lincoln, Miner, and Mott buildings, four in all, at eight hundred dbllars each; Of the Abbott, Berrett, Sayles J. Bowen, Brightwood, John F. Cook, Cranch Randall, S phax, and Tenley buildings, nine in all, at seven hundred dollars each; " Of the Adam Addison, Ambush, Amidon, Anthony Bowen, Arthur, Banneker, Bell,Sl?•lair, Blake, Bradley, Brent, Briggs, Bruce, Buchanan, Carberry, Congress Heights, Corcoran, Dent, ouglass, Edmunds, Fillmore, Gage, Garrison, Giddings, Eckington, Greenleaf, Harrison, Hayes, Hilton, Hubbard, Jackson, Johnson, Jones, Langston, Lenox, Logan, Lovejoy, Ludlow, McCormick, Madison, Magruder, Maury, Monroe, Montgomery, Mor n, Morse, Patterson, Payne, Phelps, Phillips, Pierce Polk, Abby Simmons, Slater, Smallwood, Takoma, Taylor, Toner, Towers, Twinin , T ler, Van Buren, Webb, Weightman, Wheatley, Wilson, and Vlgmmley, sixty-eight in all, at five hundred and fort dollars each; Of the Garfield, Thompson, Van Buren annex, and Woodburn building, four in all, at three hundred and sixty dollars each; f the Bennin s (white), Bennings (colored), Chevy Chase, Stanton, Hamilton, High Street, Langdon, Kenilworth, Manual Training School, Seventh and G streets southeast, Orr, Petworth, Potomac, Reno, Reservoir, and Threlkeld buildings, fifteen in all, at two hundred and forty dollars each; For care of smaller buildings and rented rooms, including cookin and manual training schools w erever located, at a rate not. to exceed forty-eight dollars per annum for the care of each schoolroom. live thousan five hundred dollars; E¤si¤·¤¤¤- For one engineer and instructor in steam engineerin at the McKinley Manual Training School, one thousand two hundred dollars; For one assistant engineer at the McKinley Manual Training School. six hundred dollars; For one engineer and instructor in steam engineering at the Armstrong Manual Training School. one thousand dollars; _ For one assistant engineer at the Armstrong Manual Training School, six hundred dollars: In all, eighty-seven thousand four hundred and sixty dollars. M*‘“¤¤l l¤¤P=‘¢*¤¤· Fon minion. msrncrons: For twelve medical inspectors of public `schools, four of whom shall be of the colored race at five hundred §jg‘é*gmM Ham, dollars each, six thousand dollars: Prrrvided, That said inspectors shall mam. be appointed by the Commissioners only after competitive examination. and shall have had at least live years’ ex rience in the practice of medicine in the District of Columbia, and shiill perform their duties under the direction of the health officer and according to rules formulated from time to time by him, which shall be subject to the approval of the board of education and the Commissioners. Rem. Mrscmnnaxmoosz For rent of school buildings and repair shop, fifteen thousand six hundred and eighty-four dollars. R-pans. Fm- repairs and improvements to school buildings and grounds, sixty thousand dollars.`
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