rircrrmcuru ooscnmss. sm. u. cs. 1628. 1904. 379 For necessary repairs to and changes in plumbing in existing D°°““°d *°°*°“¤°“*· school buildings, thirty-five thousand dollars; a detailed statement shall be submitted to Congress of the ex enditure of the foregoing sum, and for the fiscal year nineteen hunfred and six estimates shall be submitted in detail as to the particular school buildings requiring unusual repairs of and changes in plumbing. · For repairing and renewing heating and ventilating apparatus, three thousand five hundred dollars. For the purchase and Srppair of tools, machinery, material, and books, M“““°‘“"‘“*“F· and apparatus to be u in connection with instruction in manual training, and for incidental expenses connected therewith, twenty thousand dollars. ` For fuel, forty-five thousand dollars. · "“°‘· For furniture for new school buildings and additions to buildings, F¤*¤*¤¤¢· as follows: One eight-room building in the sixth division (Ludlow), one thousand seven hundred and fifty dollars; one eight—room building in the second division (Gage), one thousand seven hundred and fifty dollars; in all, three thousand five hundred dollars. - For contingent ex uses, including furniture and repairs of same, °°“*i¤€°"t°*P€¤¤°¤- books, books of refI§·ence, and periodicals, stationery, printing, ice, purchase and repair of equipments for high school cadets, and other necessary items not otherwise provided for, including livery of horse _ for the superintendent, thirty-eight thousand dollars: Provided, That §Qj’"'f,’§,,,,,,,c€ 0,, arms authorized to be issued by the War Department to hi h school ¤¤¤¤¤f<>r¤¤d¤¤- cadets of the District of Columbia shall hereafter be issued without reqruiring that the same shall be insured from loss by fire. or free evening lectures to be "ven in the public school buildin *"'°° *°°*¤’°¤· ‘ or such halls as may be designatefl under rules and regulations of tg board of education, one thousand five-hundred dollars. For purchase of pianos for school buildings, at an average cost not P'*“°¤ to exceed two hundred and twenty-five dollars each, two thousand tive hundred dollars. ` For text-books and school supplies for use of pupils of the iirst eight S“PP“°"“*’ ¥·"P*'$- grades, who at the time are not supplied with the same, to be distributed by the superintendent of public schools under regulations to be made by the board of education of the District of Columbia, and for the necessary expenses of the purchase, distribution, and preservation of said textbooks and supplies, fifty-two thousand five hundred dollars: Provided, That the board of education, in its discretion, is QQQ{{j_’;,g`__ authorized to make exchanges of such books and other educational " publications now on hand as may not be desirable for use. For purchase of United States {lags, one thousand dollars. ***8*- For extending the tele hone system to the public school buildings, '*`°'°Ph*‘"**· including the cost of this necessa wire, cable, holds, cross-arms, braces, conduit connections, manhdlres, telephone instruments, extra labor, and other necessar items, to be expended under the electrical department, five thousand, dollars. Bcrrmxcs Asn cnouxosz Toward the completion of the Business gjlyrjgglngs md High School, fifty thousand dollars. For completion of one eight-room building, second division (Gage), thirty thousand dollars, to be immediately available. For completion of one eight-room building, sixth division (Ludlow), thirty thousand dollars, to be immediately available. For site for and toward construction of one eight-room building in the sixth division, thirty thousand dollars; and the total cost of said building, including cost of site, under a contract which is hereby authorized therefor, shall not exceed sixty thousand dollars. For site and toward the construction of one eight—room building. first division, to relieve the Johnson and Hubbard schools. thirty
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