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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/469

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l•`IFTY—E1GHTH soreness. sm. 11. on. 1628. 1904. 381 laborers, at six hundred dollars each; messenger, seven hundred dollars; messenger, five hundred dollars; major and superintendent, mounted, two hundred and forty dollars; captain, mounted, two hundred and forty dollars; fifty-tive lieutenants, sergeants, and privates. mounted, at two hundred and forty dollars each; sixty-four sergeants and privates, mounted, on bicycles, at forty dollars each; twenty-six drivers, at six hundred dollars each; and three lice matrons, at six hundred dollars each; in all, seven hundred andosixty-nine thousand. two hundred and fort dollars. Mrscmlnnmousz Fhr rent of substation and stable at Anacostia, four R¤¤t A¤¤<=<>¤¤¤- - hundred and eightv dollars; . For fuel, three thousand five hundred dollars; F“"l‘_ For repairs to stations, five thousand dollars; R°’f“'* For miscellaneous and contingent expenses, including the purchase °°“°""°“°°"°“'°“· of new wagons, rewards for fugrtives, modern revolvers, installation of card system in the (police de rtment, stationery, books, books of reference, and perio icals, telrdgraphing, photographs, printing, binding, gas, ice, washing, meals for prisoners, furmture and repairs thereto, beds and bedclothing, insignia of office, purchase and care of horses, horse and vehicle for superintendent, bicycles, police eguipments, and repairs to the same, harness, forage, repairs to veh1cles, van, and patrol wagons, and expenses incurred in the prevention and detection of crime, and other necessary expenses, thirty-two thousand five hundred dollars; Hereafter the disbursing officer of the District of Columbia may A‘*"“°°°· advance to the major and superintendent of the Metropolitan police, ` upon requisitions previously approved by the auditor of the District of Columbia, from the appropriation for miscellaneous and contingent expenses of the Metropolitan police department of the District of Co umbia, sums of money, not exceeding three hundred dollars at any one time, to be used only for the prevention and detection of crime, and to be accounted for monthl on itemized vouchers to the accounting oflicers of the District of Columbia. For flags and halyards for station houses, one hundred and twenty- five dollars; For rentof police department headq uarters and property store-rooms. two thousand four hundred dollars; For additional ground and completin of substation in Ten null ytown, District of Columbia, one thousand dollars; In all, forty-tive thousand and five dollars. House or nnraxrrorzz To enable the Commissioners of the District **<>¤=‘¢ °**‘*=*•¤¤¤°¤· of Columbia to provide transportation and a suitable place for the reception, transportation, and etention of the children under seventeen years of age, and in the discretion of the Commissioners, of girls and women over seventeen years of age, arrested by the (police on charge of offense against any law in force in the District of olumbia. or held as witnesses, or held pendin final investigation or examination, or otherwise, nine thousand dodars, or so much thereof as may be necessary: Provided, That all such persons held or detained under dmmm ublic authority prior to the adjudication of cases in which they may ` be involved shall be held at the place so provided. · FOR THE FIRE DEPARTMENT. Fm **¤r·¤¤m€¤¤- For chief engineer, two thousand five hundred dollars, and this sum $¤l¤¤*¤· shall not be available to pay a chief engineer who has not had at least tive years’ experience as a member of some organized municipal tire department; deputy chief engineer, one thousand five hundred dollars; three battalion chief engineers, at one thousand two hundred dollars each; clerk, one thousand dollars; tire marshal, one thousand six