380 F IFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. ll. Ch. 1628. 1901. thousand dollars; and the total cost of said building, including cost of site, under a contract which is hereby authorized therefor, shall not exceed sixty thousand dollars. For the purchase of the two lots adjoining the Magruder School buildin on the east, to provide a playground for the c ildren of the Magruder and Sumner schools, nine thousand seven hundred and thirteen dollars. rakoma mimi. That any unexpended balance of the appropriation for the fourt·$,°{_?2i°;`,l8g'$¥?` room addition to the Takoma school made in the District appropriation Act for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and four shall be available for the purchase of additional land for a site for said school. OM of was- That the total cost of the sites and of the several and respective buildings herein provided for, when completed upon plans and specifications to be previously made and approved, shall not exceed the several and res ctive sums of money herein respectively appropriated or author- €;¢>·‘·;*>,;m_ izedm for such purposes: Provided, That the `ommissioners of the YDistrict of Columbia, in case they shall consider the bids received for the construction of any number of the school buildings herein provided for, not exceeding three, to be in excess of a reasonable amount, are hereléy authorized to construct such building or buildings by day labor, an the purchase of material in open market, if the same can be completed within the amount appropriated or authorized therefor. Phu- That the plans and specifications for school buildings shall be prer£’;·;¤{•¤(§¤¤<>¤ wd *4* pared under the supervision of the inspector of buildings of the District Pof Columbia, and shall be approve by the Commissioners of the · District, and shall be constructed by the Commissioners in conformity therewith; and the plans and specifications for all other buildings provided for in this Act shall be prepared under the supervision of the inspector of buildings of the District of Columbia, and shall be approved by the Superintendent of the Capitol building and the Commissioners of the istrict, and shall be constructed in conformity therewith. 4 CoLUMB1A INSHTUHON ron me Dur AND Duma. H1:¤•¤f Md dumb vu- For expenses attending the instruction of deaf and dumb persons Padmitted to the Columbia Institution for the Deaf and Dumb from the District of Columbia, under section forty-eight hundred and sixty-four 9,;* 5·· **=‘°· *86*- P- of the Revised Statutes, ten thousand five hundred dollars, or so much ' thereof as may be necessary. ""’“""· FOR METROPOLITAN POLICE. ""”'“‘“· For major and superintendent, four thousand dollars; captain and assistant superintendent, one thousand eight hundred dollars; four captains, at one thousand five hundred dollars each; chief clerk, who shall also be pro erty clerk, two thousand dollars; clerk, one thousand tive hundred·doll)ars; clerk, nine hundred dollars; two clerks, at seven hundred and twenty dollars each; four surgeons of the lice and [ire departments, at five hundred and forty dollars each; additional compensation for twenty privates detailed for special service in the detection and prevention of crime, four thousand eight hundred dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary; eleven lieutenants, at one thousand three hundred and twenty dollars each; forty sergeants, at one thousand one hundred and forty dollars each; three hundred and seventy privates, class one, at nine hundred dollars each; two hundred and sixty-tive privates, class two, at one thousand and eighty dollars each: three telephone operators, at six hundred dollars each; twenty- ‘ four station keepers at eight hundred and forty dollars each; janitor for police headquarters. seven hundred and twenty dollars; thirteen
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