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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/540

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452 FI}:`TY—EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. Il. Ons. 1761, 1762. 190-L maintenance of channels, or of river and harbor improvements, established or made by the Government, where the usual depth of such channels or customary use of such improvement has become, or may be, impaired and there is no sufficient fund available for such restoration or maintenance, with a view to preserve in their normal condition ’ f{%';1°jm_ of eiiiciency existing channels and improvements: Pro/vided, That V01- 32. p- 331- allotments from the amount herein named shall be made by the Secre- R€Sm°n°"` tary of War, and no such allotment shall be made unless the necessity · for such restoration or maintenance shall have arisen since the passage of the river and harbor Act of June thirteenth, nineteen hundred and two, and the same shall be recommended by the local engineer having such channel or improvement in charge and the Chief of Engineers, Mmmm. respectively: Provided fiu·the1·, That no single channel or improvement shall be allotted a sum greater than fifty thousand dollars, nor Exception. any portion of the said appropriation, unless the same is necessary in the interest of navigation or to protect and preserve any existing Government work in the interest of navigation. rgl¤§8;;°'m°’“PP”‘ Sec. 2. That in all cases in which appropriations or authorizations Phave heretofore been made for the completion of river and harbor works the Secretary of War may, in his discretion, on the recommendation of the Chief oflgngineers, apply such amounts as have _ been apprapriated or autho ed for the prosecution of such work. gwggigxgées Sec. 3. hat in order to repair the damage caused by the Hood of tolevees. nineteen hundred and three, and to restore and continue the improvement in the levee system-of the Mississippi River interrupted by that Hood, the Secretary of War may, as recommended by the Mississippi Pf£;?°°H“‘ °*“’*’ River Commission, enter into contract or contracts for levee work Qontmcts- upon the Mississippi River between Cairo and the Head of the Passes WL 32* p’ 3% during the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and five, to the extent of one million dollars, to be paid for out of the appropriation for that stretch of the river, authorized by the river and harbor

f=>¤¤€¤‘¤PP’°· Act of nineteen hundred and two, for the fiscal year ending June

Pthirtieth, nineteen hundred and six, when the appropriation for the last—named fiscal year shall become available. m1;?;!?; ¤¤ 6*9*** Sec. 4. That no appropriations heretofore 'or hereafter made for seikqbé mea with- improving harbors and deepening channels shall be used for the con- §,‘;§f*’°"‘°° *‘”’°"““` struction of Government dredges for use on the Great Lakes or on the Atlantic coast north of Cape Henry unless there shall be a specific nate, appropriation for that purpose: Provided, howeever, That this pro- E"`°*’°`°“‘ vision shall not apply to any dredge the construction of which has heretofore been authorized by the Secretary of War. Approved, April 28, 1904. April 1*.7904. CHAI'. 1762.-An Act Making appropriations for sundry civil expenses of the

  1. ___[“· “· “‘““·l Government for the iisml year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and five,

n·m,m—, st. na.] and for other purposes. . Be it enacted by the Senate and House 0 f Rqvresentatives of the United p€§;f}Q;;‘,r,f;§§;,iO$;; States of America in Chngress asseznbled, That the following sums be, and the same are hereby, appropriated, for the objects hereinafter expressed, for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred ` an tive, namely: m§,{;§*·~·*>’ ¤**r·¤¤~ UNDER THE TREASURY DEPARTMENT. Publi:-buildings. PUBLIQ BUILDINGS_ M*¤¤¤<>-·¤· M4- Allentown, Pennsylvania, post-office: For continuation of building under present limit. twenty-nve thousand dollars.