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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/541

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FIFTY—EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 1762. 1904. 453 Anderson, Indiana, post-oflicez For continuation of building under A”d°°¤°¤·I¤<*- present limit, fifteen thousand dollars. Anniston, Alabama, post-office: For continuation of building under A¤¤i¤¤¤n. Alu. present limit, fifteen thousand dollars. Athens, Georgia, post-office and c0urt—house: For continuation of Mh¤¤S.G¤· building under present limit, forty thousand dollars. Atlantic, Iowa, post—office: For completion of building under present M1¤¤¤¤.1<>w¤- limit, twelve thousand five hundred dollars. Atlantic City, New Jersey, post—office: For continuation of building M¤¤¤¤¤ City. NJ- under present limit twenty-tive thousand dollars. Baltimore, Maryland, custom-house: For continuation of building glj;§:¤¢]{_¤·uM:· under present limit, one hundred thousand dollars. 'I`he Secretary of Aaaniindi 1in1a. the Treasury is hereby authorized to acquire, by lpurchase, condemnation, or otherwise, the properties known as the eabody and Gunton properties, immediately adjacent to the site of the said custom-house uilding, abutting on Water street, Exchange place, and Post-Office avenue, in the city of Baltimore, Maryland, at a cost not to exceed the sum of ninety thousand dollars; and the said Secretary is hereby authorized to use for that purpose the sum of twenty-four thousand nine hundred and eighty-eight dollars and eighty-one cents remaining available from the purchase of the Merchants National Bank property, together with the further sum of sixty-five thousand and e even dollars and nineteen cents, which sum is hereby appropriated for that u se. P AI:} the sum of one hundred and seventy-one thousand six hundred P¤>;)m;¤¢ for dmdollars is hereby a propriated, or so much thereof as may be neces- °g" Y "' . sary, to make the damzgge to the Baltimore, Maryland, customhouse by the tggadat fire in Ba timore on February seventh and eighth, nineteen hun and four, and not covered bv insurance, and the contractors, Henry Smith and Sons, are released to the extent of said R¤¤¤¤¤¤ ¤f ¤<>¤¤M¢· sum or so much thereof as the Secretary of the Treasury may deter- °”' mine may be necessary to replace any work or materials in said custom- . house destroyed or injured by said iire: Provided, That said release mm. shall operate as a bar to any claim of said Henry Smith and Sons for T° b° m ML any damages incurred by them in constructing said building in excess gflpaid sum of one hundred and seventy-one thousand six hundred o ars. For rental of temporary quarters for the accommodation of certain num. Government officials at Baltimore, Maryland, one thousand eight hundred and fifty dollars. Bangor, Maine, custom—house and post-office: To reimburse the sums:. Mc. appropriation for construction the amount necessarily used in repairingxhe foundation, six thousand dollars. raboo, Wisconsin, post-ofiice: For completion of building under Bmw., ws. present limit, twenty-three thousand five hundred dollars. Batesville, Arkansas, post-office and court-house: For continuation Batesville, An. of building under present limit, twenty thousand dollars. ` Battle (meek, Michigan, post-office: For continuation of building mnxscmnamxcu. under present limit, twenty thousand dollars. Centerville, Iowa, post·office: For completion of building under cememns, rows. present limit, sixteen thousand two hundred and fifty dollars. Champaign, Illinois, post-ofiice: For continuation of building under <¤¤¤¤¤v¤iz¤· ¤1· present limit, twenty thousand dollars. Charlottesville, Virginia, p0st—office and c0urt—house: For continua— *¢¤¤¤¤¤*=>>V*l1¢· V¤· tion of building under present limit, twenty thousand dollars. Chicago, Illinois, temporary building for post-oflice: For rental of gg};¤€°·“l· temporary qlparters for the accommodation of certain Government ` ollicials for the year ending March twenty-eighth, nineteen hundred and Eve, twenty-six thousand seven hundred and fifty-eight dollars and seventy-nine cents.