460 FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. H. Ch. 1762. 1904. their maintenance; for telephone lines and care of same; and continent expenses, including freight, storaige, rent, repairs to apparatus, lgzbor, medals, stationery, newspapers or statistical purposes, advertising, and all other necessary expenses not included under any other head of life—saving stations on the coasts of the United States, one million five hundred and forty-one thousand three hundred and fifty dollars. New smions- For establishing new life-saving stations and lifeboat stations on the sea and lake coasts of the United States, authorized by law, to be Qjtg-use 0, we available until expended, thirty thousand dollars: Prmaded, That phcuelines private messages may, with the consent and authority of the Secretary of the Treasury, be transmitted over any and all te ephone lines controlled by the Treasury Department, whenever it does not interfere with Government business, at such rates and on such terms and conditions as may from time to time be fixed by the Secretary of the Treasury, the proceeds thereof to be accounted for and paid into the '1‘reas1u·y of the United States. ‘ ScI1§:i;_;¤¤¤-0¤¤¢r REVENUE-CUTTER SERVICE. www wd <-=¤— For expenses of the Revenue-Cutter Service: For pay and allow- °°°°”' ances of captains, lieutenauts, captain of engineers, chief engineers, · assistant engineers, and constructor, Revenue—Cutter Service, cadets, and su eons and pilots employed, and rations for the same; for pay of petty décers, bug ers, seamen, oilers, firemen, coal heavers, stewards, cooks, and boys, and for rations for the same; for fuel for vessels, and repairs and outfits for the same; ship chandlery and engineers’ stores for the same; actual traveling expenses or mileage, in the discretion of the Secretary of the Treasury, for officers traveling on duty under sm names. orders from the Treasury Department; commutation_of quarters; for protection of the seal tis cries in Bering Sea and the other waters of Alaska, and the interest of the Government on the seal islands and the sea-otter hunting grounds, and the enforcement of the provisions of A¤¢¤<>¤z¤· law in Alaska; for enforcing the provisions of the Acts relating to the Vol- 2a P- EL anchorage of vessels in the ports of New York and Chicago, approved Val-27»1>·43¤· Ma sixteenth, eighteen hundred and gight -eigl1t, February sixth, V¤1·3¤· r-1081 eighteen hundred and ninety-three, and arch third, eighteen hundred vm. ze. p. and ninety-nine; and an Act relating to the anchorage and movement of vessels in Saint Marys River, approved March sixth, eighteen hun- V¤l·”1·P-681 dred and ninety-six; and an Act re ating to the anchora e of vessels in the Kennebec River at or near Bath, Maine, approved: June sixth, nineteen hundred; for temporary leases and improveu. at of roperty for revenue-cutter purposes; contingent expenses, including vdharfagc, towage, dockage, freight, advertising, surveys, labor, and all other necessary miscellaneous expenses whic are not included under special heads, one million four hundred and fifty thousand dollars. Engraving and ENGRAVING AND PRINTING. prlntmz. ssiams. For labor and expenses of engraving and printing: For salaries of all necessary clerks and employees. other than plate printers and plate printers’ assistants, one million one hundred thousand dcllars, to be 1>»··.»·1m. ex nded under the direction of the Secretary of the Treasury: Pro- L'""" “°‘°" zdzlfd, That no portion of this sum shall be expended for printing United States notes or Treasury notes of larger denomination than those that maybe canceled or retired, except in so far as such printing vm. si, p. ie. mav be necessary in executing the requirements of the Act "To define and iix the standard of value, to maintain the parity of all forms of money issued or coined by the United States. to refund the public gebti grid for other purposes," approved March fourteenth, nineteen un r .
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