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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/549

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FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 1762. 1904. 461 For wages of plate printers, at piece rates to be fixed by the Secre- W°¥°’·· tary of the Treasury, not to exceed the rates usually paid for such work, including the wages of printers’ assistants, when emplo ed, one million two hundred thousand dollars, to be ex nded-under tile direction of the Secretary of the Treasury: That no portion of mom this sum shall be ex nded for printing United States notes or Treasury notes of larger dgnomination than those that may be canceled or retired, except in so far as such printing may be necessary in execut- 4 ing the requirements of the Act "To eiine and fix the standard of V°‘·’“·P·“· va ue, to maintain the parity of all forms of money issued or coined by the United States, to refund the public debt, and for other purposes," approved March fourteenth, nineteen hundred. For engravers’ and printers’ materials and other materials, except ¤¤¤¤•1•- distinctive paper, and for miscellaneous expenses, five hundred and ‘ twenty-five thousand dollars, to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of the Treasury. For rent of office now occupied by agent of the Post-Oiiice Depart- F~¤¤*· ment to supervise the distribution of stamps of the Bureau of Engraving and Printing, at a rental of fifty dollars per month, six hundred do lars. · rmnmz smmsoxux msrrrurrrou. tu§;gg¤¤¤¤*·¤ ¥¤•¤· Iwrmnxarroxn. mxoxunomsz For tiigpenses of the system of inter- cmgwnl ¤· national exchanges between the Uni States and foreign countries, under the direction of the Smithsonian Institution, including salaries or compensation of all necessary employees, and the purchase of necessar books and periodicals, twenty-seven thousand dollars, and for the year nineteen hundred and six estimates shall be submitted hereunder embracin all sums expended for this service out of other appropriations e by Congress. Ammucxn mumomerz For continuing ethnological researches 0”·*¤°¤°*¤ °*”¤°*· among the American Indians under the direction of the Smithsonian ` Institution, including salaries or comTnsation of all necessary employees and the purchase of necessary ooks and periodicals, forty thousand dollars, of which sum not exceeding one thousand five hundred dollars may be used for rent of building. ASTROPHYSICAL OBSEBVATOBY: For maintenance of Astrophysical A¤*gPhY¤i°¤l Ob Observatory, under the direction of the Smithsonian Institution °°"° W' including salaries of assistants, the purchase of necessary books and periodicals, aipparatus, making necessary observations in high altitudes, printing an publishing results of researches, not exceeding one thousand five hundred co ies, rppairs and alterations of buildings and miscellaneous expenses fifteen ousand dollars. Nn·10NALMUsnmu: Tor cases, furniture, fixtures, and appliances !,$‘j£m}_eM¤¤¤¤¤- required for the exhibition and safe-keeping of the collections of the ` National Museum, including salaries or compensation of all necessary em loyees, twenty-two thousand Eve hundred dollars. Igor expense of heating, lighting, electrical, telegraphic, and tele- H¤•¤¤€·¤*¤· phonic service for the Natxona Museum, eighteen thousand dollars. For continuing the preservation, exhibition, and increase of the ,u§gg*;yi¤¢·¤w-·¤°l· collections from the surveying and exploring expeditions of the Government, and from other sources, including salaries or compensation of all necessary em loyees, one hundred and eighty thousau dollars, of which sum five thousand five hundred dollars may be used for necessary drawings and illustrations for publications of the National Museum, and all other necessarylincidental expenses. For purchase of books, pump ets, and periodicals for reference in B°°*“· °“> the National Museum, two thousand dollars. For repairs to buildings, shops. and sheds, National Museum, R°P°l"· including all necessary labor and material, fifteen thousand dollars.