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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/551

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FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 1762. 1904. 463 which afppropriation is made in this Act: Hmded, That necessary gfgge 0, books books 0 reference and periodicals for the chemical laboratory and law ctc. ’ librarky, at a cost not to exceed five hundred dollars, may be purchased e out o the aignropriation made for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and tive, for sa ries and expenses of agents and surveyors, fees and expenses of gaugers, salaries of storekeepers, and for miscellaneous e nses. . — XENTINGENT EXPENSES, Innnrnnnnur Tnmsunra For contingent °§,’}§,‘g$,‘{,§,*j;P§.Q;'§; expenses under the requirements of ectiou thirty-six hundred and wg- B W3 fifty-three of the Revised Statutes of the United States, for the collec- mj " °°°` ’ p' tion, safe-keeping, transfer, and disbursement of the public mone , and for transportation of notes, bonds, and other securities of the " United States, two hundred and fort thousand dollars. Tiunsroncrarrou or SILVER com: hor transportation of silver coin, ,,,§“““"°""”‘ '"'°’ includin fractional silver coin, by registered mail or- otherwise, one · hundredg and twenty thousand dollars; and in expending this sum the Secretary of the Treasury is authorized and directed to transport from the Treasury or subtreasuries, free of charge, silver coin, when requested to do so: Provided, That an equal amount in coin or cur- mg rency shall have been deppsited in the Treasury or such subtreasuries ` b the applicant or app `cants. And the Secretary of the Treasury Report ciccsr. sdall report to Congress the cost arising under this apprqpriation. TRANSPORTATION or muon com: For transppsrtation o minor coin w';“’“¤’°'““¤ ‘“*“°’ eighteen thousand dollars; and in expending t r' sum the Secretary of { the Treasury is authorized and directed to transport from the Treasury or subtreasuries, free of charge, minor coin when requested to do _ so: Provided, That an equal amount in coin or currenqyslmll have P~·*•¤- been deposited in the Treasury or such subtreasnries by applicant I E' ml" or applicants. And the Secretaryof the Treasury·sha.ll report to(}ou— Mvmcfcmh gress the cost arising under this appropriation. Rncormrom or oorm coms: For recoinage of light-weight old coins wl*ng°°*¤*¤¤ 8***** in the Treasury, to be expended under the direction of the Secretary ` of the Treasury, as required by section thirty-Eve hundred and twelve R. Ssscc. 3512, p. 696. of the Revised Statutes of the United States, six thousand dollars. DENVER, Commno, MTNT: For new machinery, appliances, and §‘§Q{°§,;,f§{’;m,y_ furniture, and to complete the equipment necessary to inaugurate coinage operations, ninety thousand fifty-tive dollars. ` Disrmcrrvn PAPER ron UNITED STATES sEcUmTrEs: For paper, dmwd S*¤¢¢¤ ~¢¢=¤· including transportation, salaries of register, assistant register, three nrsuucuve paper-. counters, five watchmen, one laborer, and e uses of officer detailed from the Treasury as superintendent, twoxhiindred and forty-three thousand dollars. Srncrn. wrmmss or nnsrnucrron or Uurrnn Srryms snounmns: W*¤¤¤•··¤·=·¤¤¤¤¤¤· For pay of the representative of the public on the committee to wit— ness the destruction by maceration oi) Government securities, at five dollars per day while actually employed, one thousand five hundred and sixty-five dollars. Snanme Asn sunnnnse Umrnn STATES sncunrrrnsz For materials serum; and reps-inrequired to seal and separate United States notes and certificates, such i"“‘ ` as composition rollers, ink, printers varnish, sperm oil, white printing _ paper, manila paper, thin muslin, benzine, gutta— rcha belting, an other necessary articles and expenses, one thousand lice hundred dollars. ` Exrmzsns or iurroiur. curcrumcr: For distinctive paper, including Nnucnn currency - express, mill, and other necessary expenses, forty thousand dollars. °x°°°°°°' Ancmrmc UNITED STATES sncmarrms AND currme DISTINUIIVE <>¤¤¤¤1i¤z,¤¤=- PAPER: For extra knives for cutting machines and sharpening same; and leather belting, new dies and punches, repairs to machinery, oil, cotton waste, and other expenses connected with the cancellation of _ redeemed United States securities, two hundred dollars.