464 FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 1762. 1904. °“*‘°dY °* *“°°· Cusmnr or Dms norms AND rLAr1:s: For pay of custodian of dies mus' udp1am` rolls, and plates used at thd Bureau of Engraving and Printing for the; . printin of Government securities, namely: One custodian, three thousand d<5lars; two subcustogians, ope at tvyo thousand dollar?, andkone at one thousand eight hun red do lars· t ree distributers o stoc at one thousand four hundred dollars each; in all, eleven thousand dollairs. ruphc buiggipga PAY or ASSISTANT CUSTODIANS AND JANrro1zs: For pay of assistant ,_,,‘§'?§°,§?‘{,i.§_ us custodians and janitors, including all personal services in connection with the care of all public buil ings under control of the Treasury Department outside of the District of Columbia, exclusive of marine hospitals, mints, branch mints and assay offices, one million two hundre and twenty-five thousand dollars; and the Secretary of the Treasury shall so apportion this sum as to prevent a eficiency therein. Inspecwr of sup- GENERAI. Iusrmcron or surriums Fon runmo nU1LD1Nos: For one Pm"` general inspector, under the direction of the Secretary of the_ Treasury, to be appointed by the President, by and with the adv1ce and consent of the Senate, t ree thousand dollars; and for actual necessary ggzienses, not exceeding two thousand dollars; in all, five thousand ars. — · lnspecwr of wml- Iusrmcroic or FUaNr11mm AND omnnn r•¤RN1smNos Fon PUBLIC °"°'°°°‘ nuuzorwosz To enable the Secretary of the Treasury to employ a suitable person to inspect all public buildings and examine into their recpiirements for furniture and other furnishings, including fuel, _ lig ts, personal services, and other current expenses, two thousand five hundred dollars; and for actual necessary expenses, not exceeding_two thousand dollars; in all, four thousand five hundred dollars. Ngmm md ¤*· 'URNITURE AND REPAIRS or r1mNrrun1:: For furniture and repairs of same, carpets, and gas and electric-light fixtures, for all public buildin§, exclusive of marine hospitals, mints, branch mints, and assay offices, under the control of the Treasurv De rtment, and for fur it rpets gas d lectl' ht nxt V fm b `ldi n ure ca an e r1c— 1 ures or new u1 ngs exclusivelof persohal services, except ger work done by contract, three hundred and sixty-seven thousand one hundred dollars. Andall furniture now·owned by the United States in other public buildings shall be ugepl, so par ais piéacticpble, whefficr itcorrespouds with the present _ regu a ion p an or urm ure or no . Fw. Ham. ~·¤<1 Fur:1. mcurs AND WATER ron runmo mm.D1Nos: For the urchase nm` of fuel, lsteam, light, water, water meters, ice, lighting supplies, electric current for light and power purposes, and mxscellaneous items for the upe of the p1ust0dians’ orces ing the care of the builddingis, furniture and eating, oisting and venti ating a paratus an e ectric-light plants, exclusive of pbrsonal service, ami) for expenses of installin electric—light plants, electric-light wiring, and repairs thereto, in such; buildinfgs couépleted and occupied as may be designated by the Secretary o the reasury, for al public buildings, exclusive of marine hospitals, mints, branch mints, and assay offices under the control of phe Trelasury llkpaptment, inglusgve of new buildings, one miillion and _ ortv thousand dollars. An the appropriation herein ma e for gas shall include the rental and use of gas governors, when ordered b the , . . . . Y hmm- Secretary of the Treasurv in writm : Promdad That no sum shall be G"g°v°m°”' paid as rental for suchlgas goverhors greatei than thirty-five per centum of the actual value of the gas saved thereby, which saving - shall determined by such tests as the Secretary of the Treasury rnsumstmubspm shall direct. No portion of the amount herein appropriated shall be “""“°“· uped forloperating a system of pneumatic tubes or the transmission o posta matter. w§,‘;yg{_•:*:g_ ¤<>¤¤· _ Surrnnssiuo COUNTERFEITING dND orrmu cumms: For expenses . incurred under the authority or with the a proval of the Secretary of the Treasury in detecting, arresting, and delivering into the custody
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