466 FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. ll. Ch. 1762. 1904. rnavnxriox or Erinmires. - Pmveuucm of epi- The President of the United States is hereby authorized, in case of d°mi°”‘ threatened or actual epidemic of cholera, typhus fever, yellow fever, smallpox, bubonic Iplague., or Chinese plague, or black death, to use the unexpended ba ance of the sums appropriated and reappropriated "°’- 3* P· lm- by the sundry civil appropriation Act approved March third, nineteen hundred and three, and one hundred thousand dollars in addition thereto, or so much thereof as may be necessary, in aid of State and local boards, or otherwise, in his discretion, in preventing and suppressing the spread of the same; and in such emergency in the execution of any quarantine laws which may be then in force. mg;i;°;,'$’§,$(f,?°m` UNDER THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE AND LABOR. _1mmizr•m¤¤ Sw- - Ixmonariox srxrrous. uons. Kms Isrm·1,N-Y· Ellis Island, New York, immigrant station: For widening present ferry house, nine thousand dollars; ' Dwlzinz- For dred ing in and about the Ellis Island channel and slip, ten thousand dollars;. G¤¤¤r· For the purchase and construction of a tugboat to be used as a boarding cutter by the immigration oihcials at New York, seventy- five thousand dollars; in all, ninety-four thousand dollars, which sum shall be paid from the permanent appropriation for expenses of regulating immigration. $2*1 amggifgh San Francisco, California, immigrant station: The Secretary of mmili, AngeI mana. Commerce and Labor is hereby directed to investigate into conditions of the immigration service at the port of San Francisco, California, and to report in detail a plan for an immigration detention station on Angel Island, in the harbor of San Francisco; said report shall cover in detail all buildings or improvements of every kind necessary for the completion of said station and the aggregate cost of the same. wgsgggogfgxgj Lmnr-Houses, Bmcous, Ann Foe Sronxns. P°¤l¤¤d·M*>· Ram Island Ledge, Portland Harbor, Maine: For completing construction of a light—house and fog signal on Ram Island Hedge at the entrance to Porgand Harbor, thirty-three thousand dollars. B°¤¤I¤'¤¤<‘·M**· Boon Island light station, Maine: For construction of a keepers dwelling, four thousand dollars. samp, mss. The Craves light station, Broad Sound Channel, Boston Harbor, Th€(’”v”‘ Massachusetts: Elur completion of a 1irst—order light and fog signal at The Graves, on a granite tower, to mark the entrance to the new Broad (Staind Channel in Boston Harbor, one hundred and thirteen thousand o ars. ¤·¤~1»<>¤¤·>¤··C¤¤¤- Black Ledge light and fog-signal station, Connecticut: For establishing a light and fog-signal station at or near Black Ledge, entrance to New London Harbor, Connecticut, sixty thousand dollars. NA{!¤*¤’*>*•¢ C¤=¤¤°*· Ambrose Channel light station, New York: Detailed estimates shall `be submitted to Con ress at its next session for a complete system of "°"’·F‘· “”· lighting Ambrose Cgxannel, including the number and character of lights required, and the cost of each. Thmm N°¤*· X Y- Throgs Neck light station, New York: For moving the light station now in front of the batteries of Fort Schuyler to another site at Fort Schuyler, Throgs Neck, ten thousand seven hundred and eivhty dollars. Nl*;f°k‘““d L“k°· Rockland Lake light station, New York: For rebuilding the ice breaker to protect Rockland Lake light-house in Hudson River, New York, six thousand four hundred and fifty dollars.
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