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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/555

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FIFTY-EIGHTH cosomass. Sess. H. cn. 1762. 1904. 467 Staten Island light—house depot, New York: For continuing re irs Swan Island light and improvements in erecting a carpenter shop, a boathouse, a bl):ck— h°°°° d°p°t’ N'Y‘ smith shop, a buoy shed on the north wharf, a watch house at the lower gate, and a watch house at the up r gate at the general lighthouse depot at Tompkinsville, Staten ilgland, New York, seventeen thousand eight hundred dollars. ‘ - Delaware BaEy and River, namely: For establishing light-house and B£,$*“"“'° RM' 'md fog) signal on lbow of Cross Ledge, seventy-five thousand dollars. atapsco River light station, Maryland: ,For completing the con- ?•¤*r·¤¤¤Riv·==r.M¤-` struction of the lig t and fog-signal station in therlhtapsco River, Maryland, sixty thousand dollars. ' Cape Lookout light station, North Carolina: For construction of a <¤¤1>¢*-¤¤k<>¤t N-G keeper’s dwelling, five thousand dollars. Cape San Blas light station, Florida: The sum of seven thousand Q,¤°r¤£·*¤ €;:¤»F*·*— dollars of the appropriation of fifteen thousand dollars for the removal'p` ` of Cape San Blas light station to a new and safe site, made by the Act approved June sixth, nineteen hundred, may be used for the construction of two dwellings for light keepers at said station. Oyster Bayou light station, Louisiana: For completing the light- 01***** B**>’*>¤·*·*·- house at the mouth of Oyster Ba ou, near the Louisiana coast, in the Gulf of Mexico, one thousand dollars. Sabine Bank light and fog-si nal station, Texas: For compgeting the ¤•*****° B¤**k· '*`°*- light and fog-signal station on Sabine Bank, in the Gulf of exico,oif Sabine Bank, ten thousand dollars. Depot for the ninth light-house district: For establishing at or near mgm *****°’* *1** the city of Milwaukee, €Vieconsin, a det-pot for the ninth ight-house ` gigtliict, including the purchase of a site erefor, seventy-five thousand · o rs. · Conneaut Harbor li t station, Ohio: Any balance remaining from °°****¤****~ °***¤· the appropriation maglh by sundry civil Act approved June twenty- v°l`3zP'm' eight , nineteen hundred and two, for constructing a light-house and raising) the existing structure on the old pierhead is ereby made availa le for addition to and remodeling of keeper’s dwelling at Conneaut Harbor, Ohio. Cleveland west breakwater light station, Ohio: For the repairing, €‘°"*****"·°***°· remodeling, and making ermanent the foundation, and so forth, of the Cleveland west breakwater light station, Ohio, five thousand » dollars. Buffalo light-house depot, New York: For continuing the construe- “""“‘°·N·Y··"°*’°'· tion of the light-house depot at Buiialo, New York, seventy-four thousand dollars. Presque Isle light station, Michigan: For construction of a dwelling *"’°°‘*“° m°· Mmfor the assistant light keeper at Presque Isle light station, Lake Huron, Michi n, five thousand dollars. Spectacle Igihf light station, Michigan: For reconstructing the u§,gf*°‘°“‘° R°°‘· foundation of the lig t and fog-signal station on Spectacle Reef, Lake Huron, Michigan, fort -three thousand nine hundred dollars. Point Conception light station, California: For building an oil house C ¥;¤i¤¤ ¤<>¤¤er>¢i¤¤¤, at Point Conception ight station, California, one thousand five hun- aI0i] house. dred dollars. Point Conception light station, California: For construction of a 1>w¢1*i¤z- double dwelling for ligh t keepers, nine thousand dollars. _ New Dungeness lig t station, Washington: For construction of a WQSQY ”““¥°“°"· light-kee r’s dwelling at New Dungeness ight station, Straits of _Juan de Fuca,%ashingt0n, five thousan dollars. _ Tender for the inspector, fourth light-house district: Toward con- ¤,}Qif‘“°’· *°“'"‘ d"" strncting, equipping, and outfitting, complete for service, anew steam tender for buoyage, supply, and inspection in the fourth ligptt-house district, to take the place of the worn-out tender Zizania, y thousand