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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/558

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470 FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. H. Ch. 1762. 1904. G*°¤*L¤k°*· MAINTENANCE or LIGHTS ON CHANNELS or GREAT LAKns: -To enable the Secretary of Commerce and Labo1·, under the supervision of the Light-House Board, by contract or otherwise, to maintain lights necessary for the safe navigation of those channels in the connecting waterways of the Great Lakes which have been constructed or artificially improved by the Government of the United States, where the same can not properly be lighted from the American side, four thousand dollars. P¤i¤¤2 ¤¤ P¤1<*=¢· Pointe au Pelee light-vessel, Lake Erie: For maintenance of a ljght- L°k° E"' vessel on the southeast shoal, Pointe au Pelee Passage, Lake rie, four thousand dollars. sux; and Geodetic COAST AND Gnonnrro sunvnr. S¤*Y°>’°f 00em ¤¤· For eve ex nditure r uisite for and incident to the survey of iriiiixwdugilou of the coastsreh thId9United Stliqtes and of coasts under the jurisdiction of the United States, including the survey of rivers to the head of tide water or ship nav` tion; deep-sea soundin s, temperature and current observations £1g the coast and throughout the Gulf Stream and Japan Stream ilowin off the said coasts; tidal observations; the necessary resurveys; tge preparation of the Coast Pilot; continuing 7 researches and other work relating to physical hydrogxaphy and terrestrial magnetism and the magnetic maps of the Unite States and adjacent waters, and the tables of magnetic declination, dip, and intensity usually accompanying them, astronomical and gravity observations; and including compensation, not otherwise appropriated for, of persons employed in the field work, in conformity with the regulations for the government of the Coast and Geodetic Survey adopted by the Secretary of Commerce and Labor; for special examinations that may be required by the Light-House Board or other proper authority; for commutation to officers of the iield force while on tield duty, at a rate to be fixed by the Secretary of Commerce and Labor, not exceeding two dollars and fifty cents per day each; outfit, equipment, and care of vessels used in the Survey, and also the repairs and maintenance of the complement of vessels, to be ex nded in accordance with the regulations relating to the Coast anclllzieodetic Survey from time to time prescribed by the Secretar of Commerce andLabor, Mmm. and under the following heads: Provided, 'Iyhat no advance of money A"'°¤°°S- to chiefs of field parties under this appropriation shall be made unless to a commissioned officer, or to a civilian chief of party, who shall give pond in such sum as the Secretary of Commerce and Labor may irect. F*¤ri<¢>=r>¤¤¤<>¤· Fon FIELD EXPENSES: For surveys and necessary resurveys of the Atlantic and Gulf coasts of the United States, including the coasts of outlying islands under the jurisdiction of the United States, to be F*•‘~i#·*- immediately available, and to continue available until expended; Pmnnma ummmou. vided, That not more than twenty-five thousand dollars of this amount slzialldbe expendejll on tlfei ipasts of the before-mentioned outlying is an s, seventy thousand dollars. ”°“l° °"°”’· For surveys and necessar resurveys of the Pacific coast, including the Hawaiian Islands and Alaska and other coasts on the Pacilic Ocean under the jurisdiction of the United States, to be immediately availalble, ang E0 czutinguefgailable until expended, one hundred and seven thousand ve un re dollars. For continuing researches in hysical h dro h relatin to harbors and bars, and for tidal andp current ol>ser$hnh' on thegcoasts of ‘ ghe United States, gigothelp coérstsl iémaer the jurisdiction of the United `tates, six thousand our un rc dollars. °°“‘ P *1**- For offshore soundings and examination of reported dangers on the coasts of the United States, and of coasts under the jurisdiction of the