F IFIY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 1762. 1904. 469 Sammns or Kmzrrms or Lierrr-Houses: For salaries, fuel, rations, K°°P°”’=*¤'*"*°¤· rent of quarters where necessaipy, and all other necessary incidental expenses of not exceeding one_ ousand six hundred and fifty lighthouse and fog-signal keepers and laborers attending other lights, eight hundred and nfteen thousand dollars. _ Exrmusns or LIGHT vmssmis: For seamen’s wages, rations, repairs, ****1** '°“°“* salaries, supplies, and temporary employment and all other necessary incidental expenses of light vessels, including the pay of officers and crews of light-house ten ers and of clerks and other employees in the offices of the light-house inspectors and the light-house engineers and at lighthouse epots, five hundred and twenty-five thousand dollars. Exrnusns or Buoxaomz For ex uses of establishing, replacing, and B“°"‘°· maintaining buoys of any and all kinds, and spindles, and for all other - necessary incidental expenses relating thereto, includin the pay of officers and crews of i ht—house tenders and of clerks and other employees in the offices 0I the light—house inspectors and light-house gngineers and at light-house depots, five hun red and fifty thousand Y o ars. Exrmrsns or Foe srezuxsz For establishing, replacing, duplicating, F°‘“*‘“"·'“· and improving fog signals and buildings connected therewith, and for repairs, the purchase of land for sites for fog signals and for all other necessary incidental expenses of the same, including the pay of officers and crews of light-house tenders, and of clerks and other employees in the offices of the light—house inspectors and light-house engineers, and at light-house depots, two hundred and five tgousand dollars. Liomue or mvmzs: For the y of ouicers and crews of light- mghing °*“"°'“‘ house tenders and of clerks and oxr employees in the offices of the lighthouse inspectors and for establishing, supplying, and maintaining post lights on the iHudson and Eastrivers, ew York; the Raritan River, New Jersey; Connecticut River, Thames River between Norwich and New London, Connecticut; the Delaware River, between Philadegghia, Pennsylvania, and Bordentown, New Jersey; the Elk River, aryland; York River, James River, Virginia; Cape Fear River, North Carolina; Savannah River, Georgia; Saint Jo ns and Indian rivers, Florida; at Chicott Pass, and to mark navigable channel along Grand Lake, Louisiana; at the mouth of Red River, Louisiana; on the Mississip i, Missouri, Ohio, Tennessee, Illinois, and Great Kanawha rivers; Sacramento and San Joaquin rivers, California; on the Columbia and Willamette rivers, Oiagon; on Puget Sound, Washington Sound, and adjacent waters, ashington; and the channels 1D »· Saint Louis and Su rior bays, at the head of Lake Superior; the Light-]-louse Board being hereby authorized to_lease the necessary ground for all such lights and beacons as are for temporary use or are used to point out changeable channels, and which in consequence can not be made permanent, three hundred thousand dollars. Suavmr or Liam-nousn srms: For preliminary examinations, ““"°>’ °'°**·“· surveys, and plans for determining the proper sites and cost of lighthouses and structures for which estimates are to be made to Congress, one thousand dollars. . _ Ou. novsns ron Lroirr srnrous: For establishing isolated oil houses 0** '“f’““°’· for the storage of mineral oil, ten thousand dollars: P1·0mIded, That no oil house erected hereunder shall exceed five hundred and fifty dollars ` in cost. _ Poirro Ricax uonr-nous}: snavionz For maintainin existing aids P°"° R‘°°‘ to navi ation and to establish and maintain additional day marks and beacondights and buoys, where required on Porto Rico and adjacent islands, including purchase of land for same and the pay of officers and crews of light—house tenders and of clerks and other employees in the offices of the light-house inspector and light—house engineer and at the light—house depot, seventy-five thousand dollars.
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