FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 1762. 1904. 479 missioners’ offices, seven thousand dollars; and this sum shall bein full for all such expenses for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and five, and shall be so disbursed as to prevent a deficiency therein. _ UNDER THE DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR. mg,‘,f°"°’ D°P“"'*‘ runmc BUILDINGS. 1*****1*** b¤iW¤8¤· Rmums or nmnnmes, Isrmuon Dnmanmnrz For repairs of R°p*“”‘ Interior Department and Pension buildings, and of the old Post-Oflice Department building occupied by the Interior Department, ten thousand dollars. For preservation and repair of steam heating and electric lighting plants and elevators, buildings, Department of the Interior, five thou- _ sand dollars. _ RENT or BUILDINGS: For rent of buildings for the Department of R°°*· the Interior, namely: For the rent of the fifth tloor of the Union Building on G street northwest, for the Patent Office models, six thousand five hundred dollars. , For removin from the Patent Office building and placing in posi- m§d°;‘fj,"Q,‘Q§ "°°°* tion on the fifth floor of the Union Building on G street northwest, the cases and models which are at present in the model halls of the Patent Office building, and for the construction of shelving, repairs_ to the space in the Patent Olhce building vacated, and other necessary expenses congected thelpcwith, gv; thpus?51 dollaps. _‘ ml _ umm on rum 41*11*012.; or wor api , an or ne repairs 1,,,,,,,, M thereof, includri:lg wages of mechanics and laborers, Edd not exceeding one hund dolhrs for the purchase of technical and necessary books, thirtyitwo thousand d.ollars:· Provided, That the appropriation {*_·>·:’gm,“m for work at Capitol and mm thereof made by the sundry civil appropriation Act for the year nineteen hundred and four is hereby continued and made available during the fiscal year nineteen hundred and five. To provide iiags for the east and west fronts of the center of the Fl”“°' Capitol, to be hoisted daily under the direction of the Capitol police board, one hundred dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary. For continuing the work of cleaning and repairing works of art in M§‘°“”*”¤ “'°"” °’ the Capitol, including the repairing of frames, under the direction of the J o1nt Committee on the Library, one thousand five hundred dollars. Toward the construction of a building for a heating, lighting, and m*,§°;(';*,}‘§,; p,§{{'*“¥· pzwer plant in connection with the office building for the House of presentatives, the installation of necessary machinery, for labor and material, construction of ducts, heating mains, subways, and traction system connecting the Capitol building, and for all other appliances, and for each and every purpose in connection with all of the oregoing, one hundred and thirty thousand dollars: Provided, That said building §Q2,‘fj{’,;_ for heating, lighting, and power plant, when constructed, shall be of sufficient size and capacity to furnish the necessary heat, light, and power for the office buil ing of the House of Representatives, the Capitol building, the Congressional Library building, and for such other public buildings which may hereafter be erected on grounds adjacent to the Capitol grounds at the east of the Capitol building _ and facing the same: Providedfurther, That when comp ete and ready u"“* °*°°'*‘ for operation for the purpose of supplying heat, light, and wer for the Capitol building, ofiioe building for the House of l€e)pre~ sentatives, and Congressional Library buildin , the total cost of said heating, lighting, and power plant, including Tuilding and all necessary apparatus, shall not exceed the sum of seven hundred and fifty- seven ousand eight hundred dollars, and that of the subway system
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