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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/568

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480 F IFTY—EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 1762. 1904. connecting the Capitol building, the sum of one hundred and sixty- coumets eight thousand five hundred dollars; and contracts for any part or the whole of the work herein provided for are authorized to be entered into by the Superintendent of the Capitol Building and Grounds, who shall have charge of the construction of said building and equipment and subway system, and the employment of skilled and . vu1.e2,p.1n4. other services, subject to the direction and supervision of the House Commission appointed to direct and supervise the construction of the oliice building for the House of Representatives: Provided further inemun. That the said building and its appurtenant constructions shall be located in that portion of reservation seventeen bounded by Virginia avenue as extended through said reservation, South Capitol street, E street south, and New Jersey avenue, and in such manner that the main building shall not project beyond the building lines of any of the siding- streets or avenues named; and a siding from the Philadelphia, Balti- A more and Washington Railroad for the use of said building, in accordance with plans approved by the Commissioners of the District of Columbia, is hereby authorized to cross, at grade or otherwise, the · proposed extension of Virginia avenue through the reservation: Arid_ Hmmenu. pr·ovéde¢Zjiz¢·t}se1·, That sue ducts, heating mains, subways, and a pliances may be constructed in and across any public street, avenue, alley, or reservation where necessary to carry out the purpose of this provision; and when same shall be constructed in or under an street, avenue, or alley they shall be located under plans approver; by the En ineer Commissioner of the District of Columbia.

 T°"“i‘ llpon payment into the Treasury of the United States by The Washington Terminal Company of the sum of forty thousand dollars, and the

Subsurface ease. undertaking of said company at its expense to construct and maintain §';§f" ““°“¥" °‘¤““’° a siding from a connection with the tracks of the Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington Railroad Company to a heat, light, and power building intended to be established and maintained at a point on Government Reservation numbered seventeen, near the line of New Jersey avenue extended, in connection with and appurtenant to the Hreproof ` building for committee rooms, foldin room, and other offices for the V¤1-32.x>- 1113- House of Representatives, authorized by Act of Congress approved . March third, nineteen hundred and three, entitled "An Act making appropriations for sundry civil expenses of the Government for the iiscal year ending June t irtieth, nineteen hundred and four, and for other purposes,’ the said The Washin ton Terminal Company, its successors and assigns, shall have and he possessed of the right and easement to occupy and use for the location, construction, and opera- V¤¤· =’»2· P- M- tion of its railroad authorized by Act of Congress, a proved February twentv-eighth, nineteen hundred and three, entitled "An Act to irovide for a union railroad station in the District of Columbia, and} for other purposes," a subsurface parcel of land through and beneath square six hundred and ninety in the cit of Washington, recently acquired by the United States as the site ihr said fireproof building, of such width, not exceeding seventy feet, as shall be required for the location, construction, and operation of said company’s railroad on the route thereof as located conformably to the r uirements of said °°¤m’¤°**°¤· last-mentioned Act. The said railroad to be Iocatgd and operated in a tunnel, which shall be constructed in such manner and of such structural strength as to assure the safe and convenient use of said square six hundred and ninety for the purposes of said building site, in accordance with plan of construction to be approved in duplicate original by the Superintendent of the United States Capitol Building and Grounds. and also by the chief engineer of the Philadel hia Baltimore and Washington Railroad Company, and one of such dir liz cates shall be filed with said superintendent and the other delivered) to said The Washington Terminal Company.