482 FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 1762. 1904. S‘;P°’““°°"°“° °‘ ro r advertisements and the reception of bids, and said Su erinténdgargnixiiiséuuding nd gntfgubject to the direction and approval of such commisgion, shall P`""" °f‘ employ such professional and personal services in connection with said V°°“°*°'- work, when authorized as aforesaid, may be necessary. Any vacancy occurring bv resignation or otherwise in the membership of said commission shall be filled by the presiding officer of the Senate or House, accorrgng as t_he_vacancy occurs in the Senate or House representation on said commission. <>•1>i¢¤¤ s·¤>¤¤¤¤- Immzovmo mn CAPITOL enoUN1>s: For continuing the work of the improvement of the Capitol grounds and for care of the grounds, one clerk, and the pay of mechanics, gardeners, and laborers; for re airs to stone pavement, walks, and roadways, twenty-five drousan dollars. - réigrmngdscapmn Lienrme rum Csrrror. AND enoumasz For lighting the Capitol and ‘“ ‘"°““ ‘ gounds albput the same, ir;sludin%{;al;ebBo1t’an{g Gardeg, Spiplate ang ouse sta es, an en ine ouse, at ui in ,an fo 'n an storage rooms of the House of Representatives; fdr gas and egctric lighting; pay of superintendent of meters, at the rate of one thousand two hund dollars per annum, lam lighters, gas litters, and for matepiallts apd ltpor fordgps apld egecdtrip lighting, and for general repairs, o y- wo thousand ve un o 8l‘S. Re:¤i¤¤.¤¤b1¤. ew. For repairs and improvements to steam fire-engine house and Senate and House stables, and for re irs to and ving of floors and courtyards of same, one thousand fig; hundred dbllars. mane mu EXPENSES or mm COLLECTION or 1:EvENU11 mom SALES or PUBLIC LANDS. pegisters and re SATARIES AND comm1ss1oNs or Bmersrnas AND RECEIVERS1 For °° v°"‘ salaries and commissions of registers of district land offices and . reccivphrs of paibllitilppneys at districg landhompesaagl not eixgeeding ousan o per annum eac , six un re thousand dollars. conuugentexpenms. CoN·r1NoENr EXPENSES or LAND omrrcmsz For clerk hire, rent, and other incidental expenses of the district land offices, two hundred and 11;:%:2; m twentyfdve thousand dollars: Provided, That this appropriation shall ‘be available for the payment of per d1em in lieu o subsistence, not exceeding three dollars per day, of clerks detailed to examine the books of and assist in opening new land offices and reservations, while on such duty, and for actual necessary travelin ex uses of said clerks, pe¥£:1_r1¤¤¤¤ ¤¤ ex- including necessary sleeping-car fares: fcortizw, That no expenses chargeable to the Government shall be incurred by registers and receivers in the conduct of local land offices, except upon previous specitic authorization by the Commissioner of the General Land Office. D¤¤<>¤i¤¤s ¤¤<>¤¤r¤· Exrmxsms or DEPOSITING PUBLIC moxmrs: F orexpenses of deposit- ` ilngl money received from the disposal of public lands, three thousand o ars. ,,5`p·;*;&;c 51;;*;% Dnr1uamA·r1oNs ON runuc rmsnn, raorncrme runmc LANDS, Asn nc ima, and swamp SETTLEMENT or or..A1Ms ron SWAMP LAND AND SWAMP·LAND 1NnEmNrrr: °l“””‘ To meet the expenses of protecting timber on the public lands, and for the more eiiicient execution of the law and rules relating to the cutting thereof; of protecting public lands from illegal and fraudulent entry or apfpropriation, and of adjusting claims for swamp lands, and mdemmgy or swamp lands, two hundred and fifty thousand dollars: zgzieg Hmm Provzde , That agents and others emplo ed under this appropriation °° ‘ shall be selected by the Secretary of the Interior, and allowed per diem, sub]ect to such rules and regulations as he may prescribe, in lieu of subsistence, at a rate not exceeding three dollars per day each and actual necessary expenses for transportation, including necessarv sleeping-car fares. `
Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/570