FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. I1. Ch. 1762. 1904. 483 ‘ PROTECTION AND ADMINISTRATION or FOREST RESERVES: To meet the §g’°¤* '°Sg{"j§$mt_ expenses of executing the provisions of the sundry civil Act approved P June fourth, eighteen hundred and ninety-seven, for the care and °1'3°’p‘3'L administration of the forest reserves, to meet the expenses of forest inspectors and assistants, superintendents, supervisors, surveyors, rangers, and for the employment of foresters and other emer ncy help in the (prevention and extinguishmeut of forest fires, and for advertising cad and matured trees for sale within such reservations, three hun red and seventy-five thousand dollars: Provided, That for- §`Q‘{,°,§'g,0f ,,,,,,10,. estry agents, superintendents, and supervisors, and other persons ¤¤¤»¤¢¤- ` employed under this appropriation shall be selected by the Secretary of the Interior wholly with reference to their iitness and without regard for their political affiliations, and allowed per diem, subject to such rules and regulations as he may prescribe, in lieu of subsistence, at a rate not exceeding three dollars per day each, and actual necessary expenses for transportation, including necessary sleeping—car fares: rmnfdedjimtiier, hat forestry agents, superintendents, super- M¤i¤<>¤¤1d¤=i¤¤- visors, and all other persons employed in connection with the administration and protection of forest reservations shall, in all ways that are practicable, aid in the enforcement of the laws of the State or Territory in which said forest reservation is situated in relation to the · protection of fish and game. EXPENSES or HEARINGS IN LAND ENTRIES: For expenses of hearings Snlirggiuss ia *¤¤¤ held by order of the Commissioner of the General Land Office to deter- ` mine whether alleged fraudulent entries are of that character or have been made in compliance with law, nine thousand dollars. Rnmzonnonm PLATE or sunvmrsz To enable the Commissioner of ,,*,§',;1g;,•f°°’”¥Pl**°°* tig: Gieinneral 0I?nd Omoo to pogntépéie ttpmrepmduce worn and defaced o ci ts 'surveys on oconstitn` apart the recoIi·kds of said office, and to furnish locxwlazd otlioes the same, two thousand five hundred dollars. . ExAmNA·r1oNs or DESERT LANDS: To enable the Secretary of the ggjtsggzgizsofw Interior to examine, under such regulations and at such compensation ieemms. as he may prescribe, the desert lands selected by the States under the provisions of section four of the Act of Congress approved August V°'-28·P-4% eighteenth, eighteen hundred and ninety-four, one thousand dollars: Provided, That if such examinations be made by detailed clerks of the g?;;;-e_ Department, they shall be entitled to actual necessary expenses of " transportation, including necessary sleeping·car fares, and not exceedin three dollars per day in lieu of subsistence. · TVRANSCRIPTS or nnconos AND r1.A·rs, GENERAL LAND Ormonz For m}`grg;*¤°**P*¤*mm furnishing transcripts of records and plats, to be expended under the ' direction of the Secretary of the Interior, eighteen thousand seven hundred and twenty dollars: Provided, That persons employed under mmuon this appropriation shall be selected by the Secretary of the nterior at ' a compensation of two dollars r day while actually employed, at such times and for such riods as £n•exigencies of the work may demand: Provided further, 'lllitat not more than one-twelfth of this aplpropria- Restrictiontion shall be expended in any one month of the year for w ich it is available. SITRVEYING rm: PUBLIC LANDS. Surreyinz. For surveys and resurveys of public lands, four hundred thousand S“*"°Y’· ”*°*- dollars, at rates not exceeding nine dollars {per linear mile for standard _ and meander lines, seven dollars for towns ip, and five dollars for section lines: Provided, That in expending this appropriation preference I"fovi#¢-9. shall be given, iirst, in favor of surveying townships occupied, in P'°f°'°°°°°‘ whole or in part, by actual settlers and of lands granted to the States by the Acts approved February twenty-second, Bl hteen hundred and V I 2_ 6_ _ eighty-nine, an the Acts approved J ully third and duly tenth, eighteen Vgll £Z lit. zzz.
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