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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/574

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486 FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. Il. Ch. 1762. 1904. pay of necessary clerical and scientiiic force and other employees in the field and in the office at Washington, District of Columbia, and all other necessary explenses, including telegrams, to be expended nmder the direction of the Secretary of the Interior, namely: Skilled ¤¤b<>¤¢¤·- For pay of skilled laborers and various temporary employees, twenty thousand dollars; · veiggwgfevhicel ¤¤¤‘· For topographical surveysin various portions of the United States, " three hundred thousand dollars, to be immediately available; G°°1°g*°°1S¤"°>`¤· For geological surveys in the various rtions of the United States, , onelhppdre and seventy-tive thousand)0 dollars, to be immediately _ avar a e; , mf,’;§’€gf"‘°*°g‘° "°‘ For paleontologic researches relating to the geology of the United _ States, ten thousand dollars; · ` uf}j,’¥;f“‘· °“’·· '°' For chemical and physical researches relating to the geology of the United States, twenty thousand dollars; . m·¤¤‘¤¤¤¤¤- For the preparatiouof the illustrations of the Geological Survey, eighteen thousand two hundred and eighz dollars; ‘ M*¤°¤*l mm orrthe preparation of the report of e mineral resources of the United States, including phosphates, which report shall be published in one octavo volume and as a rstinct publication, the number of copies

 of separate chapters, andmode of distribution of which shall

the same as of the annual report, fifty thousand dollars;

  • ’°°“· °‘°· For the purchase of necessary books for the library, including directories and professional and scientific dperiodicals needed for statistical

pupposes, not to exceed two thousan dollars; ”“’“· - or engraving and (printing the geological maps of the United States, one hundred thousan dollars; W"" s“°°l" For gauging the streams and determining the water supply of the United States, and for the investigation of underground currents and " artesian wells, and the preparation of reports upon the best methods of utilizing the water resources, two hun red thousand dollars; ,,$$§§°’ °f f°"°° "` For continuation of the survey of the public lands that have been or may hereafter be designated as forest reserves one hundred and thirty thousand dollars, to be immediately. available; _ In all, for the United States Geological Surve , one million and · eiglhtyseven thousand nine hundred an twenty dollars. ,c§§§l‘g§}‘“°“ "“"" he Secretary of the Interior may authorize such expenditure as Rem- may be necessary, not exceeding three thousand dollars, for rent of vc, 9, W office accommodations in the city of Washington, District of Colum- ‘ p'bia, for the reclamation service, established b Act approved June seventeenth, nineteen hundred and two, entitle<{"An Act appropriating the receipts from the sale and disposal of public lands in certain Stafes and Tepritogies 3; the constructwn of irrigation works for the rec amation o ari lan . L'"" b°°"”'°°°‘ That the Secretar of the Interior may authorize the purchase of such law books, boolhs of reference, periodicals, engineering and statistical publications as are needed in carrying out the surveys and "°*· 3* P- *""· examination authorized by the Act of June seventeenth, nineteen hundred and two, entitled "An Act appropriating the receipts from the sale and disposal of public lands in certain States and Territories for the construction of irrigation works for the reclamation of arid lands/’ and such expenditures shall not exceed the sum of five hundred dollars. 1¤¤¤¤¤•¤¤¤¤¤~ mscnnmxnous onmors, nnrxnrmnxr or rim rxrnmon.,

t'*· Hoa: Srnrxos Rnsnnvxrros, Amuxsxsz For rotection and improve-

’ ment, as follows: For construction of gutters forcompleted mountain roads on reservation, eight thousand dollars. Y°"°‘""°“° "“"· Yrznnowsroxn Nyrroxsr. PARK: For the administration and protec-