FII? T Y-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 1762. 1904. 487 tion of the Yellowstone National Park to be expended by and under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior, including two thousand five hundred dollars for maintenance of buffalo, seven thousand 'five hundred dollars. Yosrzmrrn NATIONAIJ PARK: For protection and im rovement of the Y°S°m*°° P*"k· Yosemite National Park, and the construction of bridges, fencing, and trails, and improvement of roads, other than toll roads, to be expended under the supervision of the Secretary of the Interior, Eve thousand · four hundre dollars. The Secretary of the Interior is hereby directed to examine into the ,,§jP§,§‘ °“ '°"“°‘"g conditions and situations in the United States Yosemite Park in the p,},,4_{,m, State of California for the purpose of ascertaining what portions of said park are not necessary for park purposes but can be returned to the public domain, and also at what place a good and substantial road can e built from the boundary of said park to the Yosemite Valley Grant, including the length and cost of the same; and for the purposes of said examination the sum of three thousand dollars is hereby appropriated, to be immediately available. , novo1A NATIONAL PARK: For the protection and improvement of S“‘*“°‘“ “""· the Sequoia National Park and the construction and repair of bridges, fences, and trails, and extension of roads, to be expended under the supervision of the Secretary of the Interior, ten thousand dollars. GENERAL GRANT NATIONAL PARK: For protection and improve- G“"°“‘lG'“““`“"‘· ment of the General Grant National Park, construction of fences and trails, and repairin and extension of roads, to be expended under the supervision of the Secretary of the Interior, two thousand dollars. Ciwrnn LAKE NAr1oNA1. PARK: For protection and improvement C¤**°* 1**** P¤*k· of the Crater Lake National Park, and re iring and extension of roads, to be expended under the supervision of the Secretary of the Interior, three thousand dollars. WIND CAVE NATIONAL PARK: For the management, improvement, Wm C*"° P"?- and protection of the Wind Cave National Park, to be expended under the supervision of the Secretary of the Interior, two thousand five hundred dollars. SUPREME Comer Rnronrsz To pay the publishers of the decisions p0§f”“‘·" C°“" Rt of the Supreme Court for one hundred and fifty-six copies of volume one hundred and ninety, eighty copies each of volumes one hundred and ninety-one to one hundred and ninety-four, inclusive, and two hundred and sixty co ies of volume one hundred and ninety-five, official edition, at two dollars per volume, under the provisions of section two V<>1·25·r··661· of the Act of February twelfth, eighteen hundred and eighty-nine, and of Act of July first, nineteen hundred and two, one thousand four V¤¤· 31 1>— 6¤’»<>· hundred and seventy-two dollars. To pay the publishers for thirteen copies of volumes forty-seven I and fort -eight of the decisions of the Supgeme Court, Lawyers’ Cooperative Plubhshing Company, at five dol rs per volume, one hundred and thirty dollansi F f h D f U md NIAP or trim NITED STATESZ or rintin or the epartment o ¤i . Smssme · the Interior five thousand copies of tha? map od the United States lpre— saigiming mms an pared by the General Land Office, latest edition, four thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary; said ma s mounted on rollers ready for use, to be sold by the Secretary of the Interior at one dollar rco v. _ p€Rm£i>r:1=;R for A1.AsKA: For support of reindeer stations in Alaska, ‘““°"Y“ '°“‘d°"" for the instruction of Alaskan natives in the care and management of the reindeer, and for the purchase and introduction of reindeer from Siberia for domestic purposes, twenty-five thousand dollars. - GOVERNMENT HOSPITAL ron rim INSANE: For current expenses of mfpvegmsnr Hospithe Government Hospital for the Insane: For support, clothing, and M Simi treatment in the Government Hospital for the Insane of the insane from
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