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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/577

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Fl FTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. IL C11. 1762. 1904. 489 To enable Providence Hospital to obtain the amount of money P{,°*id°¤°°£}f1°§¥{}f,*’Q; necessary to (pay the indebtedness incurred in the construction, recon- ized ro psy indebtedstruction, an completion of the buildings used for hos ital urposes "°"' on square seven hundred and sixty-four in the city ol)WasIllnington, District of Columbia, the directors of said hospital are hereby authorized to raise, by mortgage or other incumbrance on the real estate and improvements on said square, a sum not to exceed one hundred and fifty thousand dollars which said sum shall be in addition to the two hundred thousand dollars which was authorized to be raised by the directors of the Providence Hospital by Act approved February V¤1·31.p·'762· sixth, nineteen hundred and one, and said sums heretofore and hereby authorized shall be a first lien on said real estate and improvements. UNDER THE WAR DEPARTMENT. W¤ ¤¤r•¤=¤¤¤¢· Anmomns AND ARSENALS. m—L'“°'*°° md *1* FRANKFORD ARSENAL, PmLADnLrmA, PENNSYLVANIA: For store- F”“"‘°'°~ H- house for storage of small arms cartrid es, fort -six thousand dollars; For extension of shop used for loading small arms cartridges, six · tlhchisand five hundred ollars; in all, fifty-two thousand five hundred 0 rs. MANr1.A O1aDNANom Dnror, MANHA, PHILIPPINE Is1.ANDs: For com- M¤¤¤¤· PJ- pletion of a building for office, sixteen thousand dollars. _ Roos ISLAND Aizsmnr, Roox Is1.AN1>, Ir.mNo1s: For completing the u1;>_$k,¤1¤¤d6}ghm installation of the plant and the purchase of tools, iixtures, and other um .

nces for the manufacture of small arms in the armory shops at

Island- Arsenal, to be available until expended, seventy-five oussnd dollars.. - ‘ · d For one set of oHieers’ quarters, thirteen thousand five hundred ollars. ‘ —‘ For machinery and shop fixtures, ten thousand dollars. ‘ For general care, preservation, and imdprovements; for painting and Gm- ¤¤=· care and preservation of permanent buil ings; for building fences and sewers, grading grounds and roads, ten thousand dollars. For the Rock Island Bridge, as follows: For operating and care and reservation of Rock Island Bridge and B”°8°· Viaduct, twelve-thousand five hundred dollars. SANDY Hoox rnovme GROUND, Naw Jnasmr: For rebuilding and ,ni¤;g{m§°°k P’°"· repairing roads and walks, and for eneral repairs of shops, store- ` houses, and quarters, eight thousand {dollars; For one passenger and freight boat, in addition to the sixty-five P¤•°¤8¢*·°*°-·*>°**· thousand dollars appropriated Act approved March third, nineteen v¤1.sz,p.m1. hundred and three, ten thousan dollars; For the purchase and installation of engine and generator for electriclighting purposes; for purchase of material and installation of the necessary wiring for carrying power for lighting new barracks, laboratories, refrigerator and heating plant for testing powders, addition to brick house, wharf, and grounds; for extension of present telephone s stem, and for theenlargement, care, and maintenance of present electric storage battery, seven thousand dollars; For brick building for housing three locomotives and one locomotive crane, six thousand dollars; In all. thirty-one thousand dollars. _ . Pownna DEPOT, NEAR Dovmz, Nmw Jmzsmr: For five storehouses g>;*g‘ér§,e·L“_ for reserve su ply of war material, sixty thousand dollars; For one additional magazine for high explosives, nineteen thousand six hundred and fifty dollars; For extension of railroad system of the post, fifteen thousand dollars; For purchase and installation of power plant, five thousand dollars; For extension to the present reservoir to increase water supply, four