488 FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 1762. 1904. the Army and Navy, Marine Coréps, Revenue-Cutter Service, inmates of the National Home for Disable Volunteer Soldiers, persons charged with or convicted of crimes against the United Statesw o are insane, all persons who have become insane since their entry into the military or naval service of the United States, who have been admitted to the hosital and who are indi ent, two hundred and ninety-six thousand one hundred and twenty dodlars; and not exceeding one thousand five hundred dollars of this sum may be expended in defraying the explense of the removal of patients to their friends; not exceeding one thousand dollars may be expended in thefpurchase of such books, periodicals, and papers as may be required or the puriposes of the hospital, and not exceeding one thousand five hundred dollars for actual and necessary expenses incurred in the apprehension and return to the hospital of escaped tients. · , B¤i,l¤i¤¤¤ •¤•* For the bauilding and grounds of the Government Hospital for the Insane, as follows: ,_, For general repairs and irgprovements, thirty thousand dollars. d pair roadways, grading, a walks, seventeen thousand fivehundred _ 0 rs. For additional wells and water filters, six thousand dollars. For additional laundry buildings and machinery, ten thousand dollars. For kitchen in building “R,” two thousand five hundred dollars. u°¤:1ui:wDe_1;=¤¤_¤;E Commun Ins•rn·U·r1oN ron run Dear AND Duma: For support of puma_ r the institution, including salaries and incidental expenses, for books E’P°””°* and illustrative apparatus, and for general repairs and improvements, sixty thousand dollars. ` For repairs to the buildings of the institution, including plumbing and steam iittin , and for repairs to pavements within the grounds, three thousand <5>llars. mgg¤¤W· Howarzn Umvnnsrrr: For maintenance of the Howard University, ` to be used in payment of art of the salaries of the officers, professors, ° teachers, and other regul)ar employees of the university, the balance of which will be paid from donations and other sources, of which sum not less than one thousand five hundred dollars shall be used for normal instruction, thirty-tive thousand dollars; For tools, materials, fuel wages of instructors, and other necessary e nses of the industrial department, seven thousand dollars; xllbr books, shelving, furniture, and fixtures for the law and general libraries, nine hundred dollars; . d Igor improvement of grounds and repairs of buildings, two thousand o ars; For material and apparatus for chemical, physical, and naturalhistory studies, and use in laboratories, including cases and shelving, two hundred dollars; For fuel, two thousand five hundred dollars; In all, forty-seven thousand six hundred dollars. m}i¤*€dm°¤'¤ ”°*P*· Fnnsnmnirs Hosrrmn: The appropriation of fifty thousand dollars Apgrogsilazxou ro: made by the sundry civil appropriatron Act for the iiscal year nine- ESX “ °“ °°°°"“ teen hundred and four is herclriy continued for the fiscal year nineteen }§y,};_,?j_P· Im- hundred and five: Provided, hat the tract of land lying and being Houngisrgncpgaiémw between Sixth and Fourth streets and between Pomeroy and College “`“ " °" streets, in the city of Washington District of Columbia, containing aproximately eleven acres of ground, be, and the same is hereby retroceded to Howard University, upon the condition that the said Howard - University shall make and execute to the United States a perpetual hggspiul on amen lease for the nominal rental of one dollar per annum, and that upon . ‘ the execution of such lease to the satisfaction of the Secretary of the Interior, said Secretary shall cause to be erected on the ground so retroceded and leased the new hospital for freedmen provided for by the Act above referred to.
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