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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/583

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Frrrr-EIGHTH ooncmcss. sm. 11. on. 1762. 1904. 495 divert the waters of Mormon Channel in Calaveras River at and near the city of Stockton, seventy-five thousand dollars. _ Improving Columbia River at Three-Mile Rapids, Oregon and Wash— 0,‘;g1§,{f,'§§§shm'°’- ington: For continuing improvement between the foot of The Dalles <>¤iw1¤.¤’w- ` Rapid and the head of ‘elilo Falls by means of canals and the improvement of the channel of the river, in accordance with the approved or modified project, as authorized, one hundred thousand dollars. Unnma mm mssrssrrrr mvmz commssrou. C01;*;_§;¤s:,ig£f River Improving Mississi pi River: For continuin im rovement of Mis- ,0F,§°“H°‘{°°‘P“’“°“ sissippilltiver from Iriiead of Passes to the modth di the Ohio River, 9 Om mclug salaries and clerical, office, traveling, and miscellaneous expenses of the Mississippi River Commission, two million dollars. Narroiur CEMETERIES. " muomi mama Fon Narronn. oimrrmmnsz For maintaining and improving national “““°°“*“°°· cemeteries, including fuel for superintendents of national cemeteries, pay of laborers and other employees, purchase of tools and materials, one hundred and twenty thousand dollars. 4 Fon surnnrrrrnnnnsrs or 1u·r1oNAL cmmmrnmnsz For pay of "“*’°"”‘°“‘°“*'· seventy-five sdperintendents of national cemeteries, sixty-one thousand eight hun red and eighty dollars. Hnnrsroruzs ron emvms or sonnmns: For continuing the work of d,§,g9g;ggf ‘°’ ¤°*· furnishing headstones for unmarked graves of Union so diers, sailors and marines in national, post, city, town, and village cemeteries naval cemeteries at m3·yards and stations of the United States, and other burial places, u er the Acts of March third, eighteenhundred and seventy-three, and February third, eighteen hundred and seventy-nine, fifty thousand dollars. REPAIRING Roanwars TO NATIONAL cnumnmnsz For repairs to “°'““'“” roadways to national cemeteries which have been constructed by special Pr _ authority of Congress: Provided, That no railroad shall be rmitted rniimiiztmeua by upon the right of way which may have been acquired by th; United ""“'°“"“‘°"‘i""°“·‘· States to a national cemetery, or to encroach upon any roads or walks constructed thereon and maintained by the United States, fifteen A _ thousand dollars: Prvvidedfurtkr, That no part of this sum shall be “°“"°“°“· used for repairing any roadway within the corporate limits of any city, town, or village. Bunn!. or INDIGENT sommasz For expenses of burying in the ,(,f§}Q§‘;l °' ""““°“‘ Arlington National Cemetery, or in the cemeteries of the District of Columbia, indigent ex-Union soldiers, sailors, and marines of the late civil war and soldiers and sailors of the war with Spain who die in the District of Columbia, or in the immediate vicinity thereof, and of such soldiers, sailors, and marines who die in the District of Columbia and are buried in the immediate vicinity thereof, to be disbursed by the Secretary of War, at a cost not exceeding forty-five dollars for such burial expenses in each case, exclusive of cost of grave, three thousand dollars. Roan ro 1u·rroNA1. cmimrmnr, PRESIDIO or SAN Fmmcisco, Cam- ca§°¤** ’° P’°**dj°· Fonxnz For continuation of stone wall on the boundary line of the ` (lieservation of the Presidio of San Francisco, California, five thousand ollars. Four Caxwromn Mrmzrarzr CEMETERY, Wisconsin: For the improve- Fm °’°"*°"’» Wie ment and repair of the military cemetery on the Fort Crawford Reservation at Prairie du Chien, Wisconsin, and for the purpose of purchasin a suitable approach to said cemetery, the sum of three thousand dollars heretofore appropriated is reappropriated and made available for the iiscal year nineteen hundred an five.