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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/584

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496 FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 1762. 1904. “—},{*g}{*’“ *****1* ANHETAM BATILEFIELDZ For repair and preservation of monuments, ' tablets, observation tower, roads, and fences, and so forth, made and constructed by the United States upon public land within the limits of 3he1Antietam battlefield, near Sharpsburg, Maryland, three thousand 0 ars. Superintendent For pay of superintendent of Antietam battlefield, said superintendent to perform his duties under the direction of the Quartermaster’s Department and to be selected and appointed by the Secretary of War, at his discretion, the person selected and appointed to this [posi- Eondto (pe aln honorably discharged Union soldier, one thousan tive un re dollars. · B ‘¤z Mme re- BMNGING Home rm: REMAINS or ormcmzs AND SOLDIERS WH0 DIE mm m°br°°d' Amr.0AD: To enable the Secretary of War, in his discretion, to cause to be transported to their homes the remains of officers and soldiers who die at military campssor who are killed in action or who die in the field or hospital in A ka and at places outside of the limits of the United States or who die while on vo at sea fo thousand d H s yage a o ars. B,¤¤¤¤}K l3¤!¤¤ N- BRINGING HOME um REIAIN or crvu. mnmormus or mm Amar si;£¤°mX`Y1an'§'§ wno DIE ABROAD AND somxmns wno Dm ON TBANSDOBTSQ To enable °“"""’°""· the Secretary of War, in his discretion, to cause — to be transported to their homes the remains of civilian employees of the Army who have died, or may hereafter die while in the employ of the Vi ar Departmeptgln Cnlba, Porto Rico, Ilawlpii, China, Alaska, and the Philippines, inc u `ng the remains of any onorably discharged soldiers w o are entitled under the terms of their dischar e to return transportation olp Govelrrémlent transport, and who die while on said transport, tive thousand dollars. . cg;f;)·§¤¤¢¤M¤¤¤¤· CoNrr:D1=mAm MPUND, OAKWOOD Cmmrnnr, CmcAe0: For care, protection, and maintenance of the plat of gpound known as "Con- Hqtde1·3teihMor1nd" in Oakwood Cemetery, C `cago, two hundred and y 0 rs. ‘ g•§g,gd<;¤r:¤t:·<g!;j!gé_ CONFEDEBATIG omtmmzr, CAMP Cmsm, 01110: For reconstruction ’°"` ?i£“°2§ “`°“ `“°l1i$’i.a“‘.° C°“i°‘€E'““’ °°“‘Ft°" “E °°'“S Sli? 10 e unexpen noe 0 e sum 0 two thousand 0 rs apprdpriated for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and three is hereby reaypropriated and made available for the fiscal year nineteen hundred gnu ve, together with the further sum of one thousand six hundred o ars. te§,;:f’°¤*¤P°•l°¤¤°· MARKING c1v1L1AN GRAVES IN POST c1¤Mr1T1·:R11·:s: For su plyin gtqpe markers for civilian graves in post cemeteries, live tdousand 0 ars. Misvci1¤¤¢<>¤¤. MISCELLANEOUS OBJECTS, WAR I>I·11’ARTMENT. ”""""" "°"”· NIILITAIPI rosrs: For the construction and enlargement of buildings at such military posts as, in the_judgment of the Secretary of War, may be necessary; for the erection of barracks and quarters for the artillery in connection with adopted project for seacoast defenses, and for the purchase of suitable bui ding sites for said barracks and quart<;;·s,qr;1e milgoa fue hundiéedltpousand dollars, and from this appropri- ,,¤—»~ ¤- A- ¤··—·=¤· 2,-211 {SESS- m°"3‘}“c ‘2a.‘§T`§€‘i?1K-Ei%‘°i‘§ °§EZ§Lfi°$?$2£*’r“°kS’ 0. s 8 _ . . _ in one Bee ¤{¤i¤¤¤·I<>W¤· hundred and five thbusand dollars; fo1' construction,of two dgbhble barracks, brick, for four trootps of cavalr at Des Moines military Fo" M°¤d¤·S·D¤k- post, Iowa. one hundred and ve thousand, dollars; for construction mdhmmm Im gain? dqlufbleiparrtalek, brigk,1 fqf two coénpaniesdat [Fort Meade, South _ · · o a y- ve thousand dollars· an towar the t t' f necessary buildings for a garrison of regimental headl]Ounasi·treLi»(s lblzind and twelve companies of infantry, on land recently acquired for that purpose near Indianapolis, Indiana, including plumbing and plumbing