FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 1762. 1904. 497 fixtures and sewer connections, and heatin and lightin appliances, five hundred and twenty-three thousand dollars: Provided, That here- mano. after in acquiring sites for fortifications it shall be the duty of the ,itT'°h”° °f mmm Secretary of War, in every case of such acquirement, to purchase or otherwise procure at the same time, under this and future appropriations for this purpose, sufficient land for necessary barracks and quarters for the artillery troops required in connection with each of such fortifications; but no part of the money a propriated for mili— R°’°'*°“°“·- tary posts shall be used for the purchase of any lixnd except as herein specifically provided. - That so much of an Act entitled "An Act making appropriations F°"S*‘°’i"°"·m· for sundry civil expenses of the Government for the iisca year ending v01. sz, p. un, June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and four, and for other purposes, ’ "°°°°°°‘ approved March third, nineteen hundred and three, under the head ‘ °scellaneous objects, War Department," and subhead "Military sts " as relates to the purchase of land adjoining the military post at Fmt Sheridan, Illinois, be made to read as follows: For the purchase of about eighty-four acres of land adjoining the buelftgg ogeézggd M military t at Fort Sheridan, Rlinois, and 1 ing between that post gs ' and the and Northwestern Railroad, the same being re uired for sites for the additional buildings necessary for the accommodation ` of the increased garrison and for drill ground two hundred and eighty thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessar . · In lien of the a ropriation made of the proceeds of the sale of the C01umbus,0hlo. barracks of the Ullited States Army at Columbus Ohio, authorized V°*· 8* P· 515 by the Act a proved June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and two, entitled ‘ An Act appropriations for the support of the Army for the fiscal year endi Jlzne thirtieth, nineteen undred and three," the sum of one hmE·ed and eightg thonmnd dollars is hereby appro riated, out of any money in the ry not otherwise appropriagzedé for the purchase of about two thousand acres of land required an Si¤¤¤>r¤•=v1>¤¤¤ heretofore selected by the War Department for a military post at or near Columbus, Ohio, to be available when said barracks ave been sold and when the proceeds of such sale have been covered into the Treasury of the United States; and the Secretary of War is hereby fRg{1;_v¤¤i¤¤l:¤¤d¤¤¤<> authorized and directed to cause said barracks property to be reap- ° ° "mw f raised and to be sold, after due advertisement, at not less than threefourths of the value of such ap raisement, at either public or private sale, to the highest and best bidller. To enable claims to the ownership of land which has been ined ¤l;<g;:,£:$b*\fi¢*kf from the Detroit River by natural accretion to be adjusted the Users- www. zmmmy, tary of War is hereby authorized to enter into an agreement with the °'°· owner of the premises adjoining the military reservation at Fort Wayne, Michigan, to determine a location for the western boundary of said reservation and to give a quitclaim deed to all land west of the line so determined upon receiving from said owner a proper quitclaim deed to all land east of said line. For the improvement of the ounds within the Presidio Military Pr¢¤i<11<>.<>¤1· Reservation, at San Francisco, California, fifteen thousand dollars. Four Cnocxmrr Rmssnvnrox. Ganvmscrou, Texas: For the con- g°¤_t;’u¤>:‘:¤$l¤·gl`¢¤- struction along the entire front of the Fort Crockett Reservation. wuiii" ° ° ° m except those parts of said front where the protected fortifications already act as a breakwater, a sea wall, embankment, and fill, as designated, specified, and described in the report of the board of engineers v0i..zz. p. sn. constituted in accordance with section one of the river and harbor Act approved June thirteenth, nineteen hundred and two, four hundred and ten thousand dollars, and upon the conveyance in fee simple to the Fu¤herexrens··¤». United States of the land lying between Thirty-ninth and F orty-fifth streets and south of Avenue U, in the citv of Galveston, Texas, the said sea wall in front of the Fort Crockett Revervation shall be extended vor. XXXIII, rr 1-—-32
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