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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/587

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FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 1762. 1904. 499 froén th; eastern boundary of the Mount Rainier Forest Reserve into sai par . Curcmmuea AND Cnxrnuooex NATIONAL PARK: For continuing }*,‘,f}f,*{g'f,,§$,f,‘;*· md the establishment of the Chickamauga, and Chattanooga National Park; <>¤¤¢¤¤¤<¤>c¤- for the compensation and expenses of two civilian commissioners, macps., surveys, clerical and other assistance, messenger, office expenses, an all other necessary expenses; foundations for State monuments; mowing; historical tablets, iron and bronze; iron gun carriages; for roagsdapil their maintenance, inclosing Point Park; in all, forty thousan dollars. . Smnou Nnioiur. Mumrnar PARK: For continuing the work of ““°“· establishing a national military park on the battleiield of Shiloh, Tennessee; for the compensation of three civilian commissioners and the secretary, clerical and other services, labor, land, and historical tablets, maps and surveys, roads, purchase and transportation of supplies aing materials, office and other necessary expenses, thirty-two thousand ‘ o ars. Gnrrrsnuae NAHONAL PARK: For continuin the work of estab- °°“’“"‘“‘· lishing the national park at Gettysburg, Pennsylgvania; for the acquisition of lands, surveys, and maps; constructing, improving, and maintaininglavenues, roads, and bridges thereon; making fences and mes; mar 'ng the lines of battle with tablets and guns, each tablet ring a brief legend giving historic facts, and compiled without censure and without praise; preserving the features of e battleneld and the monuments thereon; providing for a suitable office for the commissioners in Getzisbnrgg compensation of three civilian commis-

 clerical and 0 ler s:Hices; expenses ang lzbcor; tls; purchase

ration tab ets an ingt m in i- tliopgdddsall other expenses incidldhtal to e foreglding, sixty thougdhd. 0 rs. r Vrcxsmmo Nzrrroiur. Mumrsar Pam:: For continuing the work of Vi¤¤*>¤¤¢· establishing the Vicksburg National Military Park; for the compensation of three civilian commissioners, the secretary and historian; for clerical and other services, labor, iron un carriages, the mounting of siege guns, monuments, markers, and historical tablets giving historica facts, compiled without praise and without censure; maps and surveys; roads, bridges, restoration of earthworks, purchase and transportation of sup lies and materials; these and other necessary expenses, one hundred) thousand dollars, to be immediately available. .I.u>s, WAR Dnrnarmnmz For publication of maps for use of the M°P'~ l/Var Department, inclusive of war maps, one_thousand dollars. Suavmr or Nonmmmv Asn Noarnwmsrnnx nuns: For survey of ,,,Ei"{§’§t‘{.$‘L"Q°{{r°{‘,} northern and northwestern lakes, including all necessary expenses for *°"°’· _ preparing, correetingnextending, lprinting_ and issuing c arts and ` ul etms, and of investi ting la e evels, with a view to their regulation, to be immediately available and to remain available until expended, one hundred and fifty thousand dollars. nsnsronrarrou or ruzrorrrs AND MAPS TO Fo1mi0N couxrmnsz T¤;g'¤1:{;¢¤¤i•>¤ of For the transportation of reports and mapsto foreign countries through mm ‘ the Smithsonian Institution, one hundred dollars. Awrimornn Lmus: For furnishing artificial limbs and apparatus, or A¤*¤*<=i¤~* iimbe commutation therefor, and necessary transportation, to be disbursed ulpder the direction of the Secretary of War, one hundred and twenty thousand dollars. .APPLIANCES ron nrsxennn sommns: For furnishing surgical appli- S¤¤¤¤··*¤vv¤¤¤¤¤·- ances to persons disabled in the military or naval service of the United States, and not entitled to artificial limbs or trusses for the same disabilities, to be disbursed under the direction of the Secretary of War, two thousand dollars.