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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/588

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500 FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. Il. Ch. 1762. 1904. ,*,:,°'*d°¤°° **0* SUPPORT AND MEDICAL TREATMENT or DESTTTUTE PATIENTS: For p neémuze pmems. the support and medical treatment of ninety-five medical and surgical patients who are destitute, in the city of Washiiigton, under a contract _ _ to be made with the Providence Hospital by the Surgeon—General of

 Dwmd the Army, nineteen thousand dollars, one half of which sum shall be

· paid from the revenues of the District of Columbia and the other half from the Treasury of the United States. Hgsglnffd M°m°"‘“‘ GARHELD MEMoa1AL HOSPITAL! For maintenance, to enable it to— ` provide medical and surgical treatment to persons unable to pay therefor, undera contract to be made with the Board of Charities of the H¤1f f¤>¤¤ mmct District of Columbia, nineteen thousand dollars, one half of which sum "v°°°°°' shall be 'd from the revenues of the District of Columbia and the _ other Mmmm the Treasury of the United States.

_ °°b"“ CALIFORNIA Dnnms Comnssrou: For defraying the expenses of

V<>¤·27·P·5°’· the Commission in carrying on the work authorized by the Act of gmgresls apprxavgduiiarch first, eighteen hundred and ninety-three, . en thousand o rs. ' g3:;;? mm" HARBOR or NEW Yom:: For prevention of obstructive and injurious deposits within the harbor and adjacent waters of New York City: "“P°°°°"· °“’· or pay of inspectors, deputy inspectors, office force, and expenses of omce, ten thousand two hun red and sixty dollars; ` ¤¤=w¤· ¤¤¤» ¤¢¤· For pay of crews and maintenance of six steam tugs and one launch, sixty-t ree thousand dollars; In all, seventy-three thousand two hundred and sixty dollars. NATIONAL uomu Fon DISABLED voLUNTEER SOLDIERS. D}Qj,§}gf,‘“g0§f,§‘;: ’°' For the support of the National Home for Disabled Volunteer mymy Ohm Soldiers, as`fol ows: Current expenses, AT THE (JENTRAL BRANCH, AT DAYTON, OHIO! For 0l1l'l‘6Ill} BXPEDSGS,

 namely: Pay of officers and noncommissioned officers of the Home,

- with such exceptions as are hereinafter noted, and their clerks and orderlies; also payments for chaplains and· religious instruction, printers, bookbinders, librarians, musicians, telegraph and telephone operators, guards, policemen, watchmen, and fire company; for all property and materials purchased for their use, including repairs not one by the Home; for necessary expenditures for articles o amusement, boats, library books, magazines, papers, pictures, and musical instruments, and for repairs not done by the Home; and for stationery, advertising, legal advice, for payments due heirs of deceased members: §;¤·i··¤— Pmvdled, ’l`hat all receipts on account of the effects of deceased memectsofdeadmem- . . . nm. bers during the fiscal year shall be also available for such payments; and for such other ex enditures as can not pro erly beincluded under other heads of expenditure, sixty thousand dollars.

    • ¤******¤*’**- For subsistence, namely: Pay of commissary ser eants, commissary

clerks, porters, laborers, bakers, cooks, dishwaslners, waiters, and others employed in the subsistence department; the cost of all articles purchased for the regular ration, and the subsistence of civilian employees regularly employed and residing at the Branch, their freight, preparation, and serving; aprons, ca s, and jackets for kitchen and dining—room employees; of tobacco; of alldining-room and kitchen furniture and utensils, bakers’ and butchers’ tools and appliances, and ghijr repair not done by the Home, two hundred and fifty-six thousand o ars; H°'*'*°**°l** For household, namely: Expenditures for furniture for officers’ quarters; for bedsteads, bedding, bedding material, and all other articles required in the quarters of the members, and of civilian employees permanently employed and residin at the Branch, and for their repair, if they are not repaired by the lgame; for fuel, including fuel for cooking. heat, and light; for engineers and firemen, bath-