504 FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 1762. 1904. s°“"¥° ‘““P°“l· For sewage-disposal plant, fifteen thousand dollars; _ In all, two hun red and ninety-eiIgIht thousand dollars. f§'€§¥;QQ§jéP·D“k· Battle Mountain Sanitarium, at ot Springs, South Dakota: For current ezipenses, siibséstenclp, househlpl , hospitétlé trainqxzrtatioipi repairsan farm includingt e same 0 jects speci e un ert is he for the,Central Blanch, fifty thousand dollars. mC¤¤vl¢*i¤8 l>¤“d· For the completion of said sanitarium and for each and every purpose gs` connected therewith, lincluding all buildings necelssary in the discretion of and a proved by the Boar of Managers of the National Home for Disabled) Volunteer Soldiers in add1tion to amounts heretofore appropriated, seventy-five thohsand dollars. Bcimgnng for all or clothing for all of the Branches, namely: Expenditures for "°° °°' gghimg, underclotlgmlg. heats, caps, boots, shoes, socks, and oyeralls; sums expen for abor material machines tools` an appliances employed, and for use in,the tailoi· shops kriitting,sho_ps, and shoe shops, or other home shops in which any kind of clothing is made or repaired three hundred thousand dollars. °fsu·¤¤.r~;m..¤¤¤¤ For salaries for officers and employees of the Board of Managers, 1z.s.,»c. m1,p.m and .for outdoor relief and incidental expenses, namely: · For president of.the Board of Managers, four thousand dollars; secretary of the Board of Managers, two thousand dollars; general treasurer, who shall not be a member of the Board of Managers, four thousand dollars ; (inspector-general, three thouisand dogars; assistant] general treasurer an assistant inspector-genera two thousand five undred dollars; two assistant inspectorsgeneral; at two thousand five hun— dred dollars each; clerical services for the offices of the president and ' general treasurer, twelve thousand dollars; messenger service for president’s office, one lhundred and fortyl-four dollars; clerical services or managers three thousand nine hun' red dollars· agents one thousand eight hundred dollars; for traveling expensds of thd Board of Managers, their officers and employees, sixteen thousand dollars; for outdoor relief, one thousand dollars; for rent, medical examinations, stationery, telegrams, and other incidental expenses, seven thousand gdkrs; in all, sixty-two thousand three hundred and forty-four o rs. In all, three million eight hundred and seven thousand six hundred and eighty-nine dollars. saaesnum-nun-m STATE on Tl:mu•r0n1AL HOMES rox DISABLED sonnmns AND sA1LoRs: "°,}'}§f’*26_ ,,_ M gorlpperétinuing aid to Sgate or Terriftorial homels for the support of isa vo unteer so iers, in con ormity wit the Act approved August twenty-seventh, eighteen hundred and eighty-eight, inciludin all classes of soldiers admissible to the National Home for Disabled gegpgrdons Volunteer Soldiers, nine hundred and fifty thousand dollars: Iwwvidevl, ` That no part of this appropriation shall be apportioned to any State or Territorial Home until its laws, rules, or regulations respectin the Vol. zz. p. pensipns of gts inmates be made Itp conform to the provisions ogsee tion our o an Act a proved arch third eighteen hundred a d eighty-three, entitled "An Act prescribing regulations for the Soldiei·ls’ Home located at Washington, in the District of Columbia, and for other purposes "; but the above proviso shall not apply to any State or Territoria Home into which the wives or widows of soldiers are ofrgslnxsinon on me admitted and maintained: Amlprmyided, jmrfter, That no part of this " °"" plpgropriagion shag; be appoétioneld to any State ori Territorial llpme a main ams a r or can en w erei toxi ti· . burma psy and Bscx my AND Boimrrz For paymeiit ofchmlbiinnlgiulds hlidzgrs of voilia, p_m_ pkay of _3wo anddtlirei year vpluiaeers, fordboulpty to volunteers and t C11' W1 ows an ega eirs or uuty un ert eActofJ l*twe t *- eighth, eighteen hundred and sixty-six, and for amonmts fo; dommiith tion of rations to prisoners of war in rebel States, and to soldiers on furlough, that may be certified to be due by the accounting officers of
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