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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/593

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FlFTY—EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 1762. 1904. 505 the Treasury during 'the fiscal year nineteen hundred and five, two hundred and fiftythousand dollars. For payment of amounts for arrears of pay and allowances on account X',j'e:*¤‘§,§,¤;*i°ém of service of officers and men of the Army during the war with Spain y' ` and in the Philippine Islands that may be certied to be due by the accounting officers of the Treasury during the fiscal year nineteenhundred and live, and that are chargeable to the appropriations that gays been carried to the surplus fund, one hundred and fifty thousand o lars. DEPARTMENT OF STATE. D°P*”*”°’“°*B*°°° BOUNDARY LINE, UNITED STATES AND CANADA: For the more eifect- ‘j,f*g,°,§””“g,';¤°,§;.¥; ive demarcation and mapping of the boundary line between the United of Rwkiiiiounikim States and the Dominion of Canada along the forty-ninth parallel west v°1'°'p’ m' of the summit of the Rocky Mountains, as established b the Commission of eighteen hundred and fifty-six to eighteen hundyred and sixty- nine, under treaty of eighteen hundred and forty-six, to be ex nded under the direction of tie Secretary of State, and to be immegiately available and continue available until expended, one hundred thousand 1 . · dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary. _ INTERNATIONAL RAILWAY CONGRESS! For the partici tion by the ,,,{§'§,¥“,,}'j.‘§,,“f" lm" United States in the International Railway Congress to his held In the P¤¤i<=*v¤¤<>¤- gity hg;. Washington in May, nineteen hundred and tive, four hundred 0 . INrnaNAr1oNAL Coxeamss ro ooNs1Dm: sunmcrs RELATING cro cor.- ASW?! m' LISIONB AND sA1.vAeE: For expenses of a delegate to represent the D°“¢' United States at an international eongelss to be held to consider two draftaof international conventions re 've to collisions and salvage, which were adopted at the last meeting of the International Maritime s Committee held at Hamburg in nineteen hundred and two, two thousand dollars. ‘' IN·rm;NA·rIoNAL SANITARY BUREAU: For the annual share of the ,,};,‘°g{}‘rg§g”•‘ Sm: United States for maintenance of the Bureau, as recommended in Conrribuiibn. Senate Document Numbered Thirteen of the present session, two thousand eight hundred and thirty dollars and seventy-nine cents. _ LEGATION BUILDINGS AT PEKING, CHINA: For completion of new §§;§;,,,, mmm buildings for the United States legation at Peking, C ina, includin Pekimz- ` approaches, and securing a suitable supply of water, fifty thousand o ars. INTERNATIONAL EXPOSITION AT Lmem, BELGIUM! To enable the ,,,{’Qf",§',‘Q},?‘,§f'},'2,,',?f{,*{,‘{ Government to take official part in the international exposition to be held at Liege, Bel 'um, durm the year nineteen hundred and five, five thousand dolglrs: Hmdéd, That no liability in excess of the mm t . . . . . m ly. appropriation shall be incurred . and that the commissioners, to be selected ·by the Department of State, shall serve without compensation. UNDER THE DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE. ¤cI;¢1¤¤¤¤¤¤¢¤fJ¤¤— Comrr-uousa, WASHINGTON, Drsrmor or C0I.U1umA: For annual ¤<>¤¤·1¤¤>¤¤¤. D- G- repairs, as per estimate of the Superintendent of the Capitol, live thousand dollars. ` For special repairs and nreprooting of roof, and construction of a Sv¢¤i¤¤¤v¤i¤· tile room for use of the court of appeals in the attic story of the courthouse, Washington, District of Columbia, twenty-five thousand eight hundred and forty dollars. PI:NIrnN·rIAnr, Fom LEAVENWORTH, KANsAs: For continuing con- §ggj**g¤eQgg;;0nh struction of the new United States penitentiary at Fort Leavenworth, Kms. ’ Kansas, two hundred and forty thousand dollars, to be available immediately and to remain available until expended: Provided, That no part ggqayéca of this sum shall be used for the construction of a warden’s residence `