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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/595

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FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 1762. 1904. 507 selected and their compensation fixed by the Attorney-General and to be expended under his direction, ten thousand dollars. Ixoxmc1<·rAL nxraxsms, Tanmrronr or ALASKA; For furniture, fuel, Ijlpgglexmm books, stationery, and other incidental expenses, for the offices of the ' marshals and attorneys, five thousand dollars. ~ _ TRAVELING mxrmxsms, Trumrroxr or ALAsKA: For the actual and T"“"°l‘"g“‘*’°““°" necessary expenses of the judges and clerks in the district of Alaska ghen traveling in the discharge of their official duties, five thousand o lars. _ INsULA1z AND '1'ERRITOBIAL AFFAIRS: For defraying the necessary I¤¤¤l¤¤·¤*<·.¤¤¤¤¤-_ expenses incurred in the conduct of insular and other territorial matters and affairs within the jurisdiction of the Department of Justice, including the payment of necessary employees at the seat of overnment or elsew ere, to be selected and their compensation fixedg by the Attorney—General, and to be expended under his direction, twenty-five thousand dollars: Provided, That estimates under this appro riation f,’{,°,;‘,';’·eSt,matc& shall hereafter besubmitted under Legislative, Executive and gudicial expenses. - - _ mrnivsn or snrrs nnronn Smmsn Tamrrr CLAIMS Commrssxox: C,§§,§,'g{,§m'{Q;foQ,f’ For salaries and expenses in defense of claims before the Spanish D€‘°¤F~‘° uterine. Treaty Claims Commission, includin salaries of Assistant Attorney- General in charge as fixed by law, and of assistant attorneys and necessary employees in Washington, District of Columbia, or elsewhere, to · be selected and their compensation fixed by the Attorney—General, to v°'· 31* p· S"- be expended under his direction, so much of the provisions of the Act of March second, nineteen hundred and one, providing for the Spanish Treaty Claims Commission as are in conflict herewith notwithstanding, one hundred and twelve thousand dollars, of which not exceeding two hundred dollars may be expended for law books and books of reference. · Exroncnunrrr or ANTITBUST 1.Aws: That the balance of the appro- gf; lgvemm priation of five hundred thousand dollars for the enforcement of the for einforciniizlu rovisions of the Act entitled"AnActtoregulate commerce," approved V°l‘32‘*` ‘ £`ebruary fourth, eighteen hundred and eightv-seven, and all Acts zamendatory thereof or supplemental thereto, and other Acts mentioned in said appropriation, ma e in the legislative, executive, and judicial appropriation Act forthe fiscal year nineteen hundred and four. approved February twenty-fifth, nineteen hundred and three. shall continue available during the fiscal year nineteen hundred and five. JUDICIAL. ·’¤*“°**l· Uxrnm STATES courts. . ~ ¤'¤i¤·<l¤*¤¤¢¤•¤¤¤¤<¤·» Exrmzsss or rm: Uivrrsn SrA·rr·:s Coums: For defraying the ""‘*‘°“’°°- expenses of the Supreme Court; of the circuit and district courts of the United States, including the district court in the Territory of Hawaii;' of the su reme court and court of appleals of the District of Columbia; of the district court of Alaska; of the courts in the Indian Territory; of the circuit courts of appeals: of suits and preparations for or in defense of suits in which the United States is interested: of the prosecution of offenses committed a ainst the United States: and in the enforcement of the laws of the Dnited States, specifically the ex uses stated under the following appropriations, namely: Ilhr payment of salaries, fees, and expenses of United States mar- t£*¤¤¤¤l¤' salaries shals and their deputies, one million three hundred and fifty thousand ° ` dollars, to include yment for services rendered in behalf of the United States or othelrwise. Advances to United States marshals, in =*°"*¤°°¤- accordance with existing law, may be made from the proper appropriations, as herein provided. immediately upon the passage of this Act: but no disbursements shall be made prior to July tirst, nineteen