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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/594

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506 FIFIIY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. CII. 1762. 1904. costing, complete, in excess of ten thousand dollars, or a deputy warden’s residence costing, complete, in excess of eight thousand dollars. Mcrleils Island. UNITED STATES PENITENTIARY, MoN1•:II.s ISLAND, WAsmNeToN: widigormances. The unexpended balance of the appropriation of thirty thousand dol- V°l· 3* P- 11**- lars for the construction of additional suitable buildings, prison wall, additional lands, includin clay deposit, and wharf for the United States Penitentiary at Mcdtleils Island Washington, made in the sundry civil appropriation Act approved March third, nineteen hundred and three, is hereby continu available for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and five. Miscellaneous. MISCELLANEOUS oBJEcTs, DEPARTMENT or JUSTICE. ‘ lzefemlins ¤¤i¤ 1¤ DEEENDING SUITS IN ULAIMS AGAINST THE UNITED STATES: For °m"”” defraying the necessary expenses, including salaries of necessary employees ID Washington, District of Columbia, incurred in the examination of witnesses and procuring of evidence in the matter of claims against the United States and in defending suits in the Court of Claims, including defense for the United States In the matter of French spoliation claxms, to be expended under the direction of the Attorney—· · General, fiftyhve thousand dollars. ‘ ctgg,¤¢¤¤¤¤¤ of PROSECUHON or onmnsz For the detection and prosecution of ' crimes against the United States, preliminary to indictment; the Investi- A gation o oilieial acts, records, and accounts of marshals, attorneys, clerks of the United States courts, and United States Commissioners, for which purpose all the records and dockets of said officers, without exception, shall be examined by the agents of the Attorney—General at any time; the inspection of United States prisoners and prisons; to be expended under the direction of the Attorney-General, and to include salaI·ies of all necessary agents in Washington, District of Columbia, fort -tive thousand dollars. de2¤1_§,¤:d¤°l{¤;,:,¢:1l;¤ DEFENSE IN {NDIAN DEPREDATION cI.AIMS: For salaries and expenses ` in defense of the Indian depredation claims, including salaries of Assistant Attorney-General in charge and necessary employees in \Vashington, District of Columbia, to be e nded under the direction of the Attorney-General, fifty-two thousadddollars. ‘ ugggwgtegggé PITNISHING VIOLATIONS or THE INTnnooImsE Acrs AND FRAUDS: For we detecting and punishing violations of the intercourse Acts of Congress and frauds committed ID the Indian service, the same to be expended by the Attorney-General in allowing such fees and compensation of witnesses, jurors marshals and de uties, and agents, and lh collecting evidence, and in defraying such officr expenses as may be necessary for this purpose, four thousand dollars. ”'f,g¢‘”¤¤· °°°·- °¤· TRAVELING AND MISCELLANEOUS ExrENsEs: For traveling and other miscellaneous and emergency expenses, authorized and approved by the Attorney-General, to he expended at his discretion, the provisions of the tirst paragraph of section thirty-six hundred and forty-eight, Revised Statutes, to the contrary notwithstanding, eight thousand five hundred dollars. m{;¤;_<:_¤m·¤¤i5l§ims¤¤<l PROSECUTION AND COLLECTION or cI.Ams: For the prosecution and . gcollection of claims due the United States, to be expended under the direction of the Attorney-General, Eve hundred dollars. c°{{lf:§¤<·¤ l¤¤*¤¤S· Conxsm. ron MIssIoN INDIANS: To enable the Attorney—General to ` employ a special attorney for the Mission Indians of southern California, upon the recommendation of the Secretary of the Interior, one thousand dollars.


incidental expenses and for employment of temporary assistance and workmen necessary for the care and custody of the buildings in the District of Columbia rented by the Department of J ustice., to be