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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/614

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52 6 FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 1772-1774. 1904.

  • "°°°°di”8¤- forth the nature and extent thereof, and such adverse claimant shall,

within Sixty days after the filing of such adverse claim, begin an action to quiet title in a court 0 competent jurisdiction within the district of Alaska, and thereafter no patent shall issue for such claim until the final adjudication of the rights of the parties, and such patent shall then be issued in conformity with the hnal decree of such court therein. _ _ m§gg?;§g·”°° 0* °*‘ Sec. 4. That all the provisions of the coal-land laws of the United ‘States not in conflict with the provisions of this Act shall continue and - be in full force in the district of Alaska. Approved, April 28, 1904. April 28. ISI}4. CHAP. 1778.-An Act Su plemental to and amendatory of an Act entitled "An [S- 3*5-] Act making further provision ih: a civil government for Alaska, and for other pur- [Public, Nc. 206.] .poses," approved June sixth, nineteen hundred. _ · Be it enactedbg the SenateandH'0ueeq_fRepreaentato}vea of the United Aren. - States of Amm·ica in Oongreaa aaaemtled, That the Secretary of the mglrniidg °°°°°dy °£ Interior shall. in the month of November, nineteen hundred and fom; . m`f;_k_,,§‘· P- “"’· and from time to time thereafter, as in his judgment may be deemed advisable, advertise for and receive bids for e care and custodfy of persons legally adjudged insane in the district of Alaska, and therea ter, _cmm·ms to lowest in behalf of the United States, shall contract, for one or more years, b"m°"‘ as he may deem best, with a responsible asylum or sanitarium west of the main range of the Rocky Mountains submitting the lowest and best responsible bid for the care and custody of persons legally adjudged Payment of ex- insane in said district of Alaska, the cost of advertising for bids, °°”°°°' executing the contract, and caring for the insane to be paid, until otherwise provided by law, by the Secretary of the Treasury, out of A¢¤<>¤¤¤»¤¢¤- any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, on accounts R¤r¤•r and vouchers duly approved by the Secretary of the Interior, and all Acts and parts of Acts in conflict with these provisions are hereby repealed. ‘ Approved, April 28, 1904. ADHJZS. Mm. CHAP. 1774.-An Act For the protection of the Bull Run Forest Reserve and

 the sources of the water supply of the city of Portland, State of Oregon.

Public, No. 206.] · [ Be it enacted by Nw Senate and Ilmwe ¢gf1£'e}rreaevz¢¢zti*a:ex (gf the United ,,£l*{};:_*`°’“"‘ M States of Amw·a'ca in Lbzagresé assembled, That from and after the date PP¤·r··<j¤··n nf. ¤¤•¤ of the passage of this Act it shall be unlawful for any person or perortland unter sup- · . . ,;y_ sons, except forest rangers and other persons employed by the Lmted States to protect the forest, and Federal and State officers in the discharge of their duties, and the employees of the water board of the cmzing prohibited. citybf Portland, State of Oregon, to enter, for the purpose of grazing stock, upon any part of the reserve known as the Bull Run Forest ' Reserve, in the ascade Mountains, in the State of Oregon, which vm. 27. p. wzv. reserve was established by roclamation of the President of the United States in eighteen hundred and ninety-two, as provided by section Vol.2ri.p.11UB. twenty-four of an Act of Congress entitled ‘*An Act to repeal timberculture laws, and for other urposes,” approved March third. eighteen hundred and ninety-one, and) which reserve includes within its area the Penalty. water supply of the city of Portland, State of Oregon; and any person or persons, save those hereinbefore excepted, who shall engage in grazing stock, or who shall permit stock of any kind to graze within said Bull Run Forest Reserve, or who shall knowingly trespass thereon,