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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/615

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F IF TY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 1774-1776. 1904. 527 shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction thereof in the district court of the United States for the district of Oregon shall be fined not to exceed five hundred dollars, in the discretion of the court. And the Secretary of the Interior is hereby authorized and directed to enforce the provisions of this Act by all proper means at his command, and to exclude from said forest reserve stock of all kinds and all persons, save as hereinbefore excepted. Approved, April 28,1904. CHAP. 1775.-·An Act To expedite business in the district court of the United - Avril 28- 19% States for the district of Oregon. is- 3*17-1 [Public, no. an.] Be it emwted by the Senate and House of Representa0£ves of t/ae United States of America in Congress assembled, That in case of the absence g'f,',§,‘},S}§,§‘§f,f§f‘,§§'g; of the nited States district judge for the district of Ore on from said tug- .t . d district, or of his disability, a circuit judge of the Unitec? States of the holdrdidtriblt cbeurtlimy circuit to which such district belongs may hold the district court and perform the duties of the district judge. Approved, April 28, 1904. cnn. uva.-Ao Act Providing for second and additional homestead oomoo, Argl ,?;‘,;,1§*°*· and for other purposes. ‘ l Baitenacwd by the Smate‘awdHmueofR i•xs of the United . States of Amertm in- Congress assembled; fat snypersou who has °;:iiiii:e!·]tiil8`t;»erf¤ct heretofore made entry under the homestead laws, but who shall show §°,§';$·",§’;‘,,$,';,{fe}'gf‘ to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of the General Land Omce wry- ' that he was unable to perfect the entry on account- of some unavoidable complication of his personal or business affairs, or on account of an honest mistake as to the character of the land; that he made a bona- °°¤d***°¤¤· iide effort to comply with the homestead law and that he did not relinquish his entry or abandon his claim for a consideration, shall be entitled to the beneiit of the homestead laws as though such former entry had not been made. _ Sec. 2. That any homestead settler who has heretofore entered, or 10(*,§§"f§’Q{}f,§}"§,,*}}g may hereafter enter, less than one—quarter section of land may enter ·>f r¤¤*¤¤¤·¢·¤·~ ~¤··· other and additional land lying contiguous to the original entry which shall not, with the land iirst entered and occupied, exceed in the aggre- 1·¤¤¤¢¤¥ ··<=r¤¤¤¤- gate one hundred and sixty acres, without proof of residence upon and cultivation of the additional entry; and if final proof of settlement and P"'°"'· cultivation has been made for the original entry when the additional entry is made, then the patent shall issue without further proof: Pm- §§,'{}§;'{§’;,,,_ vided, That this section shall not apply to or for the benelit of any person who does not own and occupy the lands covered by the original entry: And jnvndded, That if the original entry shoul fail for any 9nf;‘vl°,[,$,,,f}‘,;,*;'i§§,'g{ reason prior to patent, or should appear to be illegal or fraudulent, the unnir entry. additional entry shall not be permitted, or, if having been initiated, shall be canceled. __ _ Sec. 3. That commutation under the provisions of section twenty- ,,]{;,‘}.,"§‘,{“‘“"°" “‘” three hundredand one of the Revised Statutes shall not be allowed of 4; ¤*‘·‘~ 2-*<>*— P- an entry made under this Act. _ — ` Approved, April 28, 1904.