528 F IFl`Y—ElGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. C11. 1777. 1904. A1>ril¤¥h1¤M· CHAP. _1777.—An Actiiuthoriring the constructionof a wagon, toll, and electric [H· R· H5'] railway bridge over the Mimouri River at Lexington, Missouri. [mmm, Noi M'] Be it enacted by the Semzte and House of Representatvh:es of the United }Q*¤;;1“'* f'°;;lbur_ Smiles of America in Omigress assembled, That the Lexington Suburmn u•¤x1¤i»i°w•y com- Railway Compan , duly incorporated under the laws of Missouri, 1S }’_Q,“,¥,é‘,§,{_},'E‘°· °° hereby authorized to construct and maintain a bridge and approaches PM.v·'¤5» thereto across the Missouri River, between the city of Lexington, Missouri, and Ray County, Missouri, at a point to be selected conm§,¤g••§j_};,;,ge'*8°¤· sistent with the interests of navigation. Said bridge shall be con- ` structed to provide for the passage of wagons and vehicles of all kinds, — _ street-railway cars, electric motors, railway cars (but not steam locomotives), animals, foot passengers, and for all road travel for such '¥`<>¤· reasonable rates of toll and under such reasonable rules and regulations as may be prescribed by the said comppny, and to be approved from ` mghmm time totime by the Secretary of·War: cmded, That the said company, ` or its successors and asdgns, shall build and maintain at all times, as I accesso works to said bridge, such booms, tpiers, dikes, guard fences, and simlilar devices as may be necessary, in e judgment of the tary of War, to insure at all timesa permanent channel for a sufficxent distance above and below the bridge site, and for the guiding of rafts, steamboats, and other water craft safely under said bridge: Provided USMS- **9 further, That the said company, or its successors and assigns, shall maintain on said bridge, from sunset to sunrise, such lights and other signals as the Light—House Board shall prescribe: And provided Um by <>t1¤¤¤¤•¤¤~ furt/ner, That all street-railway companies desiring the use of said bridge shall have and be entitled to equal rights and privileges relative to the passage of .cars over the same, and over approaches thereto, u n payment of a reasonable compensation for such use, and, in case oixdi ment, u n such terms and conditions as shall be prescribed bly the lgmtary o¥0War upon hearing the allegations and proofs of - the arties in interest. ` Chnnw- S50. 2. That said bridge shall not be built or commenced until the lan and specifications for its construction have been submitted to the Secretary of War for his approval, nor until he shall approve the plan and location of said bridge and accessor works; and if any change be made in the plan of construction of bridge and accessory works at any time, such change shall be subject to the approval of the Secretarg of War, and any change in the construction or any alteration of sai bridge and accessory works that ma be directed at any time by Congress or the Secretary of War shall be made at the cost and expense of the said company or its successors and assigns; that the said bridge shall be constructed without interference with the security and convenience of navigation of said river beyond what is necessary to carry into effect the rights and (privileges hereby granted, and in order to secure that object the said company, or its successors and ,,,i§$,‘$§“;§,§§'¤{T °° assigns, shall submit tcp tlhe Secretapy ofdliaié for hip examination and · approval, a esign an rawings o said ri ge an accessory works and a map of the proposed location, giving for_ the space of one mile above an one m1 e below such proposed ocation the to graphy of the banks of the river with shore lines and soundin s, andxisuch other information as map be required for a full understan<Sng of the sub'ect; and until the said vplan and location of the brid e are a proved by the Secrectsry of ar the construction of said Tridge shall not be commenc . ‘ HW b¤'*¤¤°· Sec. 3. That said bridge shall be built as a high bridge with unbroken and continuous spans, all spans over the waterway to have a clear channel way of not less than four hundred feet and a clear headroom of not less than fifty feet above high-water mark; and the piers of said bridge shall be parallel with the current of said river. and the bridge itself at right angles thereto.
Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/616